sunsets and fireworks

Last night Mom, Dad, and Ronnie (aka Aaron) drove up to spend the holiday weekend with us. Because we are people who love a good concert and firework show, we packed ourselves a picnic supper of BLT’s and headed to a local park for the festivities. 
I continued my tradition of photographing the setting sun. I think it’s becoming a hobby of mine.
We couldn’t see the musicians and could barely hear the music, so we spent the time playing an alphabet game and people-watching.
It’s very news-worthy to capture a picture of Aaron smiling nicely. Apparently miracles still do happen. 
Every single year I take tons of firework pictures then the next day I don’t know what to do with them. This year was no different. 
I have named this picture The Dive of the Penguins. However it happened, the way the camera photographed the fireworks makes it look like the a bunch of penguins (someone said it looks more like eagles) out for their daily sea dive. 
I have named this photo The Grand Finale. 

I have a true gift when it comes to creatively naming photos. 

Easter 2011

All our Easter preperations begin the same way- making chocolate peanut butter eggs at Grandma’s.
Katie was over on Friday so we introduced her to the time-tested tradition of eating every other egg carefully lining the molds with chocolate and filling them with peanut butter after the chocolate hardens.
After church we went to Carol and Brian’s for dinner. Molly and I sat together because we’re “like, best cousins or something.”

The Easter egg hunt was fierce this year. Molly and I were on a team and we scored no less than 29, but so did Zachary so we technically didn’t win. We’re already preparing for a rematch net year. 
Before I end this unbelievably short recap, I must relate that I went running with Aaron last night when we got home and I survived. 
It was nothing short of an Easter miracle.

We did,in fact, have Christmas this year

…and here are a plethora of pictures to prove it.

On Christmas Eve day we always go to Grandma’s and make the mini meatballs for the chicken soup and roll the meat for the antipasto. Between the 5 of us, we made 137 meatballs.

Here’s the boys team-

 And the girls team {minus yours truly}-

Each family has a decoration on Grandma’s tree. Our family is too big to put everyones names, so it just has the kids.  

Brian was SO EXCITED about Mom’s chocolate chip cookies and couldn’t understand why he had to share them with the rest of the family.

Wesley came with Daniel and Erika and once again played the piano fantabulously while we sang.

The next hour was spent in opening loads of presents and throwing wrapping paper balls and bows. 
Zachary and Molly both wrote me books as gifts. Molly’s was called “the flaur” and Zachary’s “The disaperang mitin”. I couldn’t tell at first what his was called and thought it said “the disciplinarian”. I immediately began to rethink my babysitting habits.  

 The Yankee Swap was pretty intense but Alyssa and I joined together and managed to keep our heads above the nonsense. As is their custom, Daniel and Erika choose what they brought without even looking at any of the other gifts which is borderline cheating. Alyssa and I considered calling them out on it, but we were too busy planning our strategy.

Before Daniel and Erika left, we went back home and did our presents with them. 

To be continued…


I wasn’t able to write out my Thankful ABC’s this year, but I did have time to make this little collage of just a few of the people I am very thankful for. If I had made a collage of all the babies and little people I’m thankful for, we’d be here until Easter because there are so many.

“Thanksgiving, after all, if a word of action.” W.J. Cameron