Thankful ABC’s

A- Aaron, Andrew, apples(apple pie/crisp, etc.), my Alphabet Twins
B- babies,butter(I really am thankful for it!), Barney Fife, books, baseball, blogs and the blog friends I’ve made, brothers
C- church, cousins, children, the children I call mine, craft stores, colors, cd’s to listen to on long car rides, Christmas lights, clothes,coffee
D- Daniel, Dad, Dr Suess stories, daisies
E- Erika, Elizabeth, Emma(the new movie)
F- faith, family, friends, forever and always faithful friends, fun, always having food, fabric, fuzzy socks, flowers
G- grandparents, game nights with Autumn and Joanna, Gerber daisies
H- Mr and Mrs H. and Grandma H.(Erika’s parents and grandmother), hugs, hot chocolate on snowy days, my home, happy days, hearing
I- cookie dough ice cream, Ibuprofen
J- jewelry, Josh Groban(more specifically,his music), jelly
K- Katie~who becomes more special every day, Kashman(yes,that’s his real name), Kim~who makes me laugh every Thursday
L- laughter,love, the gift of life, Lindt chocolate truffles
M- Mom, music, memories, the moments that take our breath away and make our lives beautiful, midnight chats, Molly, Morning Glorys
N- New England, nature, the Navy
O- the ocean, oranges, ostrich feathers,Oreos, outer space, the O’s~ Katie’s family that I can never get enough of
P- photography, the piano, pansies, pretty papers, surprise packages in the mail
Q- Quaint and Quirky(I am especially thankful that I thought of something that begins with Q!)
R- reading, rivers, rabbits
S- sisters, sunflowers, sunsets, sleep(oh, how I love you), Skittles, Spring and Summer, school(even though I sometimes feel overwhelmed and unmotivated), scrapbooking, sewing, Spellchecker, sight
T- tiaras, tea, the troops who defend us, Thursday night card games with Grandma
U- United States of America
V- volunteering at the preschool and childrens hospital, vacations
W- Wesley~our “step brother in law” extraordinaire, waltzing, fresh water everyday, the beyond beautiful wedding, wise councilors, waterfalls
X- the X-ray that showed Elizabeth did not have internal bleeding after her fall off the roof(Whats that? I didn’t tell you that story?)
Y- teams that a beat the Yankees
Z- Zachary, the zoo(because I still like to go there)

First Gift

The first Christmas gift of the year has official been given in our family.

Andrew, Elizabeth and I(we apparently like group gifts)all pitched in for Aaron to see the Tran-Siberian Orchestra with Andrew* last night. I have yet to receive a review complete with all the important details of the event such as what they wore, but judging by Aaron’s glazed over,star struck , “Will I ever be that good?” , look I think he enjoyed it. I just asked him what his favorite part of the show was, and he answered that it was “the music”. Its good to know that the musical group is living up to their motto by playing, you know, music! : )
I would love to see them someday,but I’m so happy that Aaron could after wanting to see them for so long. Once again, giving feels much better then receiving!

* Lest there be any question as to whether or not it was a hardship for Andrew to accompany Aaron, I ‘d like to set the record straight–it wasn’t. At all.

Edit-Aaron just told me that one lady was playing a pink violin. I’ll be sure to let you know every time he tells me something new that is of utmost interest and importance so that you’ll be able to feel like you were are the concert too. Minus the music; I can’t provide that.

Your Friendly Neighbothood Patriotic Weekend

We started off our 4th of July weekend by watching Spider Man 1. For whatever reason, we’ve seen Spider Man 3(hereafter referred to as S.M. as it takes to long to type)at lest 4 times already this year and since most of us hadn’t seen S.M. 1 or 2, we got both of them out of the library and watch 2 a few weeks ago and 1 on Friday.
Talk about anticlimactic–seeing the series backwards. I mean, honestly, you know that Spider Man will live through falling(or being pushed) down 500 stories and getting smashed to the ground.
Anyway, by the middle of the movie Mom was starting to talk about why we weren’t watching a more patriotic movie since it was almost Independence Day. I brought up how S.M. is “your friendly neighborhood Spider Man” and how ‘friendly’ and ‘neighborhood’ really do describe America. My sister Elizabeth popped in right then and said “he is wearing red, white, and blue.”
Thats what I was trying to say.
By the time the movie ended, Peter had told Mary Jane that he couldn’t love her(except if you watch number 3, he really does love her. He proposed and everything.),that Green Goblin thing had died, and I wasn’t happy that they watched S.M. 2 without me because I don’t know what happened in it. Did they fall in love? Did Spider Man die? Why do I really care since I am not at all a fan of superheros?
After the movie, we went out to see the fireworks shot off from a local baseball field. I love fireworks; they’re one of my favorite parts of the 4th of July. They didn’t have the best show this year but it was nice to see “live” fireworks anyway. This amazing fireworkography is brought to you by your friendly neighborhood fireworkographer.

Saturday we went to the parade we’ve been going to for the last couple or ten years. We had to leave before it was finished but I’m pretty sure we only missed more candy-throwing, water-spraying floats.
Next on the agenda was a cookout at Katie’s house. They had 5 families over which brought the grand total of kids up to 27. Consequently the line for Four-Square wrapped around part of the driveway and we had 7 chairs set up so the faint of heart(and legs)could sit while waiting their turn. I doubt we even needed the chairs because people we going in an d out of the game so fast that we barely had anytime to sit down before we had to jump up again. It just gave things a more homey-feeling. Please don’t ask how well I played; its a touchy subject.
I’ll stop talking now and just get on with the pictures since you’re probably tired of me talking, talking, talking. You’re welcome.

I have never been so impressed with grass-cutting as I was here. Jimmy cut the grass under the volleyball net into the shape of a flag. How patriotic.

me, Katie and our friend Erin

Elizabeth(my sister), Jennie(Katie’s sister), and Sarah(who by the way, moved here from England. Its very interesting celebrating the 4th of July with English people because, you know, this holiday is celebrating our independence from them.)

I almost forgot that we watched the Boston Pops at night. As usual, it meet and exceded the expectaions of all previous years. It almost had a more “homey” feeling this year. Neil Diamond, a guest singer, sang one of Red Sox fans favorite songs “Sweet Caroline”. I have absolutely no idea why this song is played at every game in Fenway because it has nothing to do with baseball. If you happen to know, please tell me. It must be because it says “so good(way better then the Yankees) ,so good(way better then the Yankees), so good(way better then the Yankees).” But thats just a guess. ; )

Proud to be an American

Today is one of my very favorite holidays. Right up there with Christmas, I look forward to it and get so excited as the day gets closer. I love my country and am so proud to live here-not just on this one day in July but on every day of the year. We must always remember to not take the “little things” like running out to Wal-Mart, going to the movies, or even planting a garden for granted. Only if theses things were taken away from us would we fully realize what we have. Let us do everything we in our power be grateful for this country and always remember the ones that have served, are serving, and will serve to enable us to live here in peace.

When I was looking for a video to put up and found this one, I knew I just had to use it because it was performed in my state by the Boston Pops, who I undyingly adore. We were able to attend one of the Boston Pops concerts on the 4th a couple years ago and although it rained most of the day and our canopy fell over, I was so excited to finally be there. Sadly we can’t go this year, but we’ll be watching it! 🙂

Memorial Day

“Heavenly Father, we bow our heads and thank You for Your love. Accept out thanks for the peace that yields this day and the shared faith that makes its continuance likely. Make us strong to do Your will, and write on our hearts these words ‘Use power to help people.’ For we are given power not to advance out own purposes, nor to make a great show in the world,nor a name. There is but one just use of power, and it is to serve others.Help us to remember it, Lord. Amen.”
~President George Bush

Baghdad Tears

On a Iraqi street in Baghdad,
A soldier mourns as he kneels
Beside his fallen American comrade.

Tears shed for one who died,
Sacrificed to free oppressed,
For Iraqi newborn freedom.

American modern minutemen,
On foreign soil to teach,
Sacrifices for liberty.

An American in Iraq mourns,
On a dusty Baghdad street,
A little Iraqi girl…wipes away his tears.

~Roger W. Hancock

Soldier with Dental Support Mission.

I would especially like to thank John, Myles, Garrett, Greg, Joe, James, Joshua, and Auntie Terry for their service to our country(sorry if I forgot anybody!).


Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow to tell you about our Jewish cousin’s Bar Mitzvah. For now all I’ll say about it is what an extravaganza!

We’re off to spend the afternoon with Erika and her family. I hope you have a great day! What are you doing?