Watch Sesame Grow, week 23

Editorial comment: This should have gone up yesterday. I get very OCD about all the Sesame posts being on Monday and I get jittery when they don’t. But yesterday was SUCH a Monday. I didn’t even have to look at the calendar to know why everything was going wrong. I think I’ll write a morbid and depressing song titled Monday wherein I chronicle my day. I should probably get on that soon. I heard that Rebecca Black, the girl who wrote Friday, just wrote a song called Saturday. I need to get in on the days of the week song action before she monopolizes Sunday through Thursday.

Edition: The general consensuses is that this picture makes me look bigger than I actually am

Size of baby: Weighs about as much as a mango. 
Fun fact: The baby can feel when I dance. We’ve been learning the waltz at our dance class so I wouldn’t be surprised if the baby comes out waltzing.
Size of mother: See photo above.
What’s on the menu: I’ve given up hope of ever having those intense cravings everyone talks about. I did buy a bag of Funyuns the other day not because I was craving them. I was hungry and they were on the shelf next to me. They were every bit as delicious and unhealthy as I remembered.
Best part of the week: 
 I went eight days without getting sick.
Worst part of the week: It was fun while it lasted.
Other things I have to say: My pants are staying up much better these days. We found a belly band at Target (where the maternity section is the size of a matchbox) and things have been much better in the wardrobe department. I know you’re all relieved. 

we also have some diapers so you know things are getting serious over here

We recently painted Sesame’s bedroom. Before you panic and leave comments about fumes and how I shouldn’t be painting, let me ease your minds and tell you I didn’t do any actual painting. I enjoy painting, but after two visits to the Home Depot paint department where I barely made it out without getting sick, I decided to take the supervisory role. Somebody had to do it. Since I thoroughly enjoy telling people my (usually unwanted) opinion on whatever they’re doing, it wasn’t much of a hardship. As a brief side note, have you ever considered that Home Depot has no seating arrangements for those whose vision is blurry and feel they’re about to faint? All they have are toilet displays and I wasn’t about to go there. 

Here I am in all my makeupless, klassy sweatpants outfit glory. It’s important to have some documentation for years down the road when Sesame thinks all I did before he/she was born was pose next to chalkboards.
We choose a grayish/light blueish/light lilacish color. It changes depending on the lighting and how you tip your head and we really like it. Every other room in our house is yellowish (the owners aren’t very creative) and sometimes I look in the nursery just for a change of color scenery. 
We’ve also spent many hours assembling baby furniture. 
Again, Christopher assembled and I supervised. I failed to tell him to put the mattress frame for on the highest level until after he had assembled the whole thing, but I was in the middle of cooking him a Thanksgiving turkey so I deserve a little slack.  
In the picture below, we see Mel Gibson supervising the bureau assembly. Either that or he’s running for his life. I’d bet on the later.
In other baby news, I ordered a car seat. Between that and the crib there’s no going back now. 

Watch Sesame Grow, Week 22

Edition: I look like an Easter egg

Not much has changed since last week so this is an abbreviated version.

Size of baby: About 1lb or, supposedly, the size of a spaghetti squash. I wish they’d stop using food as a comparison. I realize they’re trying to give us something tangible to compare the size of the baby to, but the vegetables aren’t in any sort of Russian nesting doll order and it drives the OCD part of me nuts. See below for very scientific illustration.

The baby was a round little ball at week 19, suddenly started exercising and lost a lot of weight for week 21, but bulked back up with week 22. I’m so confused. Why couldn’t they say “This week your baby is the size of a carrot and next week it will be the size of a slightly larger carrot”? (This is the overtired Sarah talking. I’m sorry you had to witness it.)

Fun fact: Sesame’s eyes and tiny teeth are developed.
The good and the bad: The good news is I’m on a 6 day no throwing up streak. This has happened exactly never in the last 22 weeks. The bad news is I’m still nauseous all the time. You win some, you lose some. 

Watch Sesame Grow, week 21

Edition: Is this as repetitive to read as it is to write?
Please ignore that we had lighting and wardrobe issues. Apparently it wasn’t a good idea to wear a black shirt when having said lighting issues.  

Size of baby: Weighs between 3/4 and one pound. 
Fun fact: Sesame’s eyebrows have formed. The baby normally moves around in the morning, but Sunday morning it was bopping around even more than normal during the music at church. I’m glad he/she likes hymns, but I’m waiting for the moment it breaks out the dance moves for Josh Turner.
Size of mother: I haven’t been anywhere with a scale so once again I have no numbers to report. It’s probably just as well because seeing what I’ve gained would probably depress me. 
What’s on the menu: Much to my sorrow, I still haven’t craved anything. I’ve slowed down on my Dorito consumption because I’m fairly certain it’s not featured on the diet of pregnant champions, but I still eat my fair share. Potatoes of all varieties (hooray for chips and French fries!) are safe so the potato farmers of America can thank me for keeping them in business. We made this recipe the other day and it was a big hit. I hope you can handle how gourmet it is. 
Worst part of the week: Some of my bones feel like they’re about to break in half and sometimes I have a hard time breathing and my heart goes about 162bpm. It’s all as pleasant as you can imagine. 
Best part of the week: When Christopher thought I finally lost it and stole someone else’s baby. I asked the dance teacher’s husband if I could hold their baby at the end of our watlzing lesson but Christopher didn’t hear me ask. All he saw was me taking the baby away from her father. She wasn’t too pleased with the arrangement and wailed very loudly but at least I got to hold a baby. The last time I held a baby (not counting baby Freddy who is the size of a two year old) was last Christmas. Between babysitting, the church nursery and volunteering at the children’s hospital, the Sarah of past years was ALWAYS holding babies. This portion of the country is very lacking in babies to hold. 
Other things I have to say: I have a lot of issues with my pants. I was wearing regular pants with the button undone but that doesn’t work so well anymore. I have maternity pants but I spend all day pulling them up. So either I walk around with my pants unbuttoned feeling very undressed or I walk around pulling my pants up very three steps. Bring on the sweatpants. It’s a very fashionable life I lead.

Watch Sesame Grow, week 20/5 months

Edition: We made it to the halfway point. Hallelujah. 
A few notes about this weeks board: 
I realize it looks like a girl’s baby shower on the top half and an Easter colored Thanksgiving on the bottom half. In other words, it doesn’t really match. But it is what it is. Not to mention that the turkey took me a good 25 minutes to draw and therefore will probably still be on featured the week of Valentines. 

Size of baby: Approximately 10 inches or “the size of a banana”. I have bananas on my counter and none are 10″, but whatever. 
Fun fact: Sesame’s favorite time to wiggle is in the morning and around 5pm. 
Size of mother: For the first time someone other than Christopher or my mom told me I look pregnant. No one will question I’m pregnant when I’m the size of a hippo in a few months.
What’s on the menu: Bread products and milk with a side of Doritos. I discovered the hard way I can’t eat much meat anymore. If I eat it before 6 o’clock I’m usually fine, but if not… This development is a real pity as I am NOT the vegetarian type.
Worst part of the week: I may or may not have sent Jenn a message that read something along the lines of “I’m currently taking applications for anyone who would like to help me by carrying this child/dealing with the symptoms. Months 5-9 are currently available.” She’s a good friend so she immediately signed up for months 7-9.  

So that pretty much sums up how the last two days have been.

(Months 5-7 are still available to those interested. Please note that no one who helps me out gets to keep Sesame. I’m just loaning him/her out for a few months so I can regain some sanity out of the goodness of my heart. You will be compensated in fudge and cookies.)

Best part of the week: 1. Christopher felt the baby kick!
2. I couldn’t go to church this week so Sarah and Jordan from Sunday school brought me flowers. So sweet of them! 

a personal birthday message from Sesame

Dear cousin Sadie,

My mom told me it’s your birthday today. I kicked her in the stomach to let her know I heard which she thought meant I was jealous she was talking about another child, but in reality I’m really excited. I hear birthday parties are a fun time and I wish I could be at yours. 

I’m glad you liked the vet kit I my parentals picked out for you. Logan said you got a shopping cart full of fake food for your birthday and my mom got a little jealous. Apparently she likes playing grocery store. She’s very grown up like that. I can already tell she’s going to be the type of parent who tells people I want a particular toy because she wants to play with it. 

Here’s a birthday card I’d send you if I had access to stamps and a mailbox. 

I can’t wait to meet you at Christmas. Or more technically, be in the same state as you. Hopefully we won’t be meeting in person for a while.
