wanted: mayoral assistant

I don’t mean to brag, but I learned yesterday that I’m the mayor of America.

I always wanted to be the First Lady and consider this a pitstop on the way to achieving my goal. Annabelle informed me of my new political office then said she worked at city hall and would help me with mayor things. I said I wanted a list of students at the town school (in her bedroom) and she said she couldn’t do that because she’s not the teacher. I asked her to make a list of the jobs in town and she didn’t want to. I asked for a snack but she refused to get me one. She will not be in charge of my reelection campaign.

Of course nothing can top my big political gains, but we went to Aldi grocery store on Monday and that was pretty close. Eighteen-year-old Sarah would have been so embarrassed if she knew how excited I was about going. I shopped at Aldi’s all the time in New York but haven’t been in months. The closest one is almost two hours away so I can’t run in whenever I need something. Our original Labor Day plans were canceled due to weather, so we made new plans that revolved around a trip to Aldis.

At this point I’d like to pause and say that I assume you all want to spend the weekend with us. A trip to the grocery store! What fun! What more could you ask for? I’ll be opening my travel agent business next week.

We picked up Jason’s Deli for lunch then drove to a park for lunch. Annabelle instantly dropped her hot dog on the sandy ground and I washed it off with my water bottle. She took two bites then dropped it again. That’s how I learned my limit for washing off hot dogs is two. After lunch we went wading in the river. It was so pretty. It had rocks creating mini waterfalls and little streams. There were little pools deep enough for AB to “swim” in but swallow enough she could stand. Unfortunately, navigating the slippery rocks was like an octopus trying to ice skate. It was a mess. People were slipping and sliding all over the place. I’m surprised Annabelle didn’t get her arm pulled out of the socket after all the times we had to pull her up.

Actual footage of our walk over the rocks. No matter how many times I reminded her to walk slowly, she went down over and over and over again.
I managed to not fall and get soaking wet so I was the only one who went into Aldis. I had my cart quarter, my bags and my lengthy list. It’s was like being reunited with an old friend. An old friend who was plotting against me. I knocked over not one, not two, not even three, but FOUR displays. I knocked over something in almost every aisle. It was so embarrassing. I was a bull in a china shop. I shouldn’t even have to do my own grocery shopping. After all, I am the mayor. Don’t I have a person for that? 

an experiment to see how much I can write while sitting next to Annabelle

I’m writing this while sitting next to Annabelle who is coloring. We’ll see how well this goes.

I can’t believe it’s almost September. Time has simultaneously been going by at a snail’s pace and warp speed. Whenever I mention it to Christopher he makes a comment along the lines of “That’s how time goes.” This is why I text my girl friends about my feelings. They always sympathize. 

“Mom! How did they write in history?”

September has always been one of my favorite months. I wanted to get married in September. I’d like a child with a September birthday but that would mean being pregnant in the summer and just the thought of it makes me want to curl up and die. September has always meant Indian summer and warm breezes which I love. I don’t expect September to be much different than our current heat suffocation but I can hope. I’m so ready for it to cool down so we can play outside. Our yard is 95% in the sun and the 5% that is shaded is near the mosquito-infested woods. We go stir crazy being inside all the time. We can visit the outdoor playgrounds very early in the morning or go to the indoor playground but that gets old quickly. 

“Mom! What’s that kind of rope thing that hangs high up that we used to have in New York? What’s that thing called?”

Yesterday at pickup AB’s teacher pulled me aside and said she hasn’t been listening well during the paperwork portion of their day. I was mortified. Barely three weeks in and the teacher had something negative to say. We’ve never gotten complaints about her behavior from Sunday school or MDO. I’m sure it’s mostly an issue of her adjusting to school and learning what’s expected, but either way we had a discussion about it. Right now she’s coloring apology pictures for her teacher. She asked me to write the following story on the back.

“Once upon a time, preschool had a new way to do class. It was they decided to put wings on the school. Then what happened is they put seats inside the school. Every desk had a seat inside the flying school. At the back of the school they put a trunk. Inside the trunk was a little play area so you could get your exercise in. There were beds lined up and there was a little restaurant. If someone who went to the school lived far away, this is what they did- there were little bedrooms lined up just in case. And the next room was a bathroom. There was a pilots area at the front for one of the teachers to use. If you need to use the bathroom during the flight, there was a changer area for the little babies in diapers. I think that’s probably the end. There’s a potty inside the bathroom too.
By Annabelle”

I’m shocked they didn’t tell me she was talking too much.

“Mama!!! Where’s the cover for the orange? The orange marker. That’s the one I’m using. What happened to the cover?”

I have a new love that I’m almost too embarrassed to admit. I’ve been listening to a car/mechanic podcast. It’s so unlike me. I can appreciate an old car but I could not care less about modern cars. I’m terrible at explaining things to the mechanic. I don’t care about horsepower or torque but give me Click and Clack the car guys and suddenly I’m all in. ALL IN. I cannot get enough. They’re from Massachusetts and I remember hearing them back in the day but I have been reeled in hook, line, and sinker. I cannot explain my current fascination. Lucky for me, they have episodes dating back to 1987 so I have literally thousands of hours to look forward to. Here’s what I have to look forward to on this weeks episode:

“This week on The Best of Car Talk, our all-time favorite neurological oddity: a Massachusetts man begins speaking with a French accent following an accident. Could a whack to the noggin make Tom and Ray speak like actual mechanics? Also, three tales of things that aren’t where they’re supposed to be. John’s dipstick keeps popping out, Crystie dropped a nail into her gas tank, and Dana’s friend has a piece of the Berlin Wall lodged in his dad’s BMW’s trunk. And, Julie “backed into a car that wasn’t there” and didn’t confess to her husband. Is it time to come clean? All this and more, this week on The Best of Car Talk.”

It’s fuel for the commutes back and forth to school. So far it hasn’t exhausted me. If I get bored I can always switch gears and listen to other podcasts. 

it’s friday friday friday

It’s been a rollercoaster week for my pride. Last Saturday someone at the church paint day asked if I was in the youth group. I puffed out my feathers like a peacock that someone would think I was a youth when in reality I am on the brink of a new decade that starts with a th and ends with a irty. My hair was up (there is no other way to wear your hair when it’s regularly 99* degrees) and I was pleased she didn’t notice the patch of grayish white hair behind my ear. And it’s not white because we were using white paint and I accidentally got some on my head. 

Yesterday a nurse was getting my information and said, “You’re yawning a lot. Do you have a living will?” Excuse me? First of all, I was coughing not yawning. Second of all, I fail to see how yawning and a living will are related. Turns out she had said, “You’re young but do you have a living will?” It would seem my ears are aging rapidly and I need to make an appointment with an audiologist asap.

I picked up a new Hallmark dvd at the library on Tuesday. I love Hallmark movies. The cheesier the better. I could not love Hallmark Christmas movies more. The dvd has three movies which is three times the romance and predictability. Christopher watched one with me because he owes me for all the action/James Bond/boring documentaries movies I’ve sat through over the years. Least you think he shares my joy of Hallmark, he does not. He sat there on his phone and made comments like, “That’s so cheesy they should call this movie Swiss Cheese” and “It’s obvious they’re going to get married.” I don’t need type of negativity in my life. I want someone to share my tv viewing enthusiasm!

Speaking of tv viewing, we’ve been watching Mr. Roger’s lately. He’s so calm and pleasant to watch. He was talking about how sometimes there are things we don’t understand but we can ask an adult to help us. He asked if the viewers had an adult they could ask. I thought AB would answer that it’s her mother because I’ve taught her everything she knows including, but not limited to, how to use the potty and speak. Who do you think taught her about Monet and artists of the 1800’s? Who do you think sings the continents song with her? Alas, she did not say me. She looked at Mr. Roger’s and without missing a beat said, “I can ask my dad. He knows everything.” 

There’s the mothering self-esteem boost I was looking for! 

sunday small chat

I have a goal to blog more but I don’t have much to say so do I blog anyway to reach my goal? Yes. It’s quantity over quality.

Let’s break out the ol’ bullet points.

* Annabelle is really enjoying school. Granted she’s only been three times and the excitement could wear off, but she’s still riding the high of her new backpack. I think it’s been a bigger adjustment for me. I enjoy the alone time but I also like having her around. She has Tuesday and Thursday off so on Thursday we stayed in our pajamas late, played in the sandbox, went to Chickfila for lunch.

We tried some new hairstyles.

We even took a girls nap on the big bed. I knew she was exhausted but wouldn’t want to sleep, so I told her we should pretend to be birds in a nest. A few minutes later she was snoring away. We paid for the two hour nap later that night when she didn’t want to sleep but it was enjoyable while it lasted.

* I walked around the grocery store yesterday with a large piece of tape stuck to the bottom of my shorts. Neither Christopher nor AB said anything. It accented the paint smears on my legs. I’ll be starting my fashion blog soon!

* A lady from church asked if I could help them repaint some of the walls in the nursery and Sunday school areas. I went with several other people all of whom were wearing the nicest paint clothes I’ve ever seen. Everyone showed up in crisp, clean clothes. I really questioned whether they thought they would be painting or walking around a fancy garden center. I was wearing capris smeared with four colors of paint and a shirt with a bleach stain. My old sneakers squeaked every time I took a step. I stood out like a sore thumb. The area we were painting had several long hallways and I took the walls near the people I know. It had too many corners and crevices but I made it my personal mission to do it well. I’m not great at many things but I am a good painter. I pride myself in excellent taping and straight lines. I might leave a few drips on the floor but that’s what area rugs are for. I wanted to tape a sign to the wall so people would know which area I did. When we were at church this morning I made a beeline for my area. I wanted to see it in all it’s finally-dry glory. Someone had the audacity to do another coat and smeared the white chair rail paint into the gray of the walls. I almost cried tears of sadness/rage. 

* Stylin Sesame even in her sleep.

Sesame goes to school- 2018

This bald little bunny started preschool yesterday.
I swear I took this picture last month. 
I didn’t cry when I dropped her off but I did cry after the open house. I get so emotional about these things. She sobbed the night before but didn’t shed a tear when we dropped her off.
Look at those little legs! I suggested this backpack and she agreed to it within .4 seconds. If only she’d act so quickly when it’s time to pick up toys before bed. 
She’s such a quiet, dainty wallflower!

If you need me I’ll be over here packing a lunchbox and setting alarms to remind myself to bring her to school.

house guests, heat and homes

Our most frequent houseguests arrived early this week. To be more specific, Mom and Elizabeth are here. We went to see Christopher Robin, they babysat while I did thrilling things like going to the doctor alone and Elizabeth weeded my garden. Our home is a dream destination location.

We celebrated Mom’s birthday which delighted Annabelle to no end. Any opportunity to use sprinkles, candles and flags makes her so happy. We played a few rounds of rousing party games with plastic cups, straws and jelly beans. I may not have won the jelly bean game but I did beat Christopher in the cup stacking game so I’ll be adding that to my non-existant resume. 

The ant infestation is back in my car so Elizabeth offered to vacuum it for me. A few hours later she casually said, “I think I found where the ants were coming from.” I assumed it was a stray hashbrown or goldfish. IT WAS A DEAD FROG. IN MY CAR. UNDER MY SEAT. My car used to be my safe spot. If I could get from my cockroach infested home, through the snake-filled yard I could find safety in the sanctuary of my car. No more, no more. Those days are gone. I will be setting the car on fire next week.

Thursday we went to the waterpark with Amy. It was the same waterpark we visited a few months ago where my bathing suit ripped and my butt was on full display. I refused to be put in such a compromising situation again so I brought a backup suit. When I went down the waterslide my bathing suit rode up and once again revealed my backside. I cannot win.

There are several people in my life who routinely know more about whatever town I currently live in than I do. Mom and Elizabeth are two of those people. They’re always bringing up local attractions that I never heard of. Earlier in the week I was talking to Amy and said a specific store was one of the top three attractions in the area. She said, “There are three? That many?” That pretty much sums up what I’ve found around here. Elizabeth arrived with a list of things to see. One was a Habitat for Humanity discovery center. They have a cluster of rundown huts identical to what millions of people worldwide live in. Of course I know live in poverty but it was eye-opening to go from door to door seeing the tiny, dirty huts. I felt bad for being annoyed with my livingroom decor.

The next houses were replicas of Habitat homes built in 16 different countries. It was fascinating to see the styles and decor vary by the needs of the people.

The weather made things a little too accurate. Somewhere between Zimbabwe and Uganda I was sweating so much my sunglasses were sliding off and I had to peel the shirt off my back. Annabelle’s face was as red as a lobster. I now understand why women in some countries go topless. Nobody has time for a bra when it’s 104*. 

Today we took a day trip to Columbus. Our first stop was a little botanical garden. 

We saw a couple tour the gardens as a possible location for their wedding. I wanted to ask if they’d tell me the wedding date so I could crash it but Christopher didn’t want me to. He is such a party pooper. 

The second stop of the day was a space museum. When we visited NASA we played the spaceship landing simulator. I wasn’t good then but today I landed it without crashing twice. I’d apply to NASA for a part-time position but I couldn’t find the radio button. 
I’ll need a little music while soaring through the cosmos. 

Linking up with Cup of Tea