“My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes, but I said I couldn’t quit cold turkey.”
Let’s discuss Thanksgiving before Dececmber zooms by and I’m posting a delayed Christmas recap. I’ve been delivering late recaps since 2009 and honestly, I don’t see that changing anytime soon.
We had a small Thanksgiving with Christopher’s family. We played endless games, ate so much and went on boat rides in the lake. Annabelle had a great time.
She kayaked for the first time and took to riding a bike without training wheels like a fish to water. We’ve been encouraging her to do it at home but she was too nervous. At Oma’s, she didn’t have the option to ride with training wheels and she took off down the road like a pro. Remember when I pushed her around town in the stroller when she was 6lbs? Now she’s riding a bike and will be publishing a book on global economics next week.I loved seeing her with her cousins. I grew up near almost all 12 of my cousins and saw them all the time. It’s one of the disappointments of my life that she doesn’t get to grow up near her cousins so any time spent with them is special. It’s rude how big they’ve all gotten. We mostly hung out at the house but we did go to a beautiful lights display at NASA. “Wow, Mama! I get to sit on the moon!”I didn’t know seeing the moon behind a real rocket was missing from my life but now that hole is filled and I couldn’t be more thrilled.
Speaking of filling a hole in my heart, Stephanie gave me an”antiqe” phone and I am so tickled. I don’t like calling people I don’t know but I will happily call the insurance company just so I can use it.
a guest post and yet another poll
Editorial comments: I've been asking Christopher to write something for the ol' blawg since before we were married. He agreed, probably because he was hoping in return I'd marry him two weeks after we met. We got engaged more than six years ago and needless to...
tutus are her new blue jeans
Weekend Report, Daylight Savings edition
Friday found us hosting yet another play date. I enjoy play dates but I have a limit to how many I can handle within five days. Last week we had MOPS, a play date, a doctor's appointment, the landlord over to fix something, and another friend invite herself over all...
this, that and the other
I am in deep, deep, deep, deep mourning. Downton Abbey is over. My life is not worth living anymore. I have nothing to look forward to during the long winter nights. I've been with Downton Abbey longer than I've been married and it's rude of them to decide our...
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