Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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little parties

Everyone has been asking where I’ve been and what we’ve been up to and I’m here with a full report of all the exciting events in our lives.

Just kidding.

No one asked and nothing exciting has happened.

Over the weekend we went on a family trip to play mini-golf. AB’s golf stance has improved drastically since our golf game last year. Instead of looking like she’s play hockey, she looks like she’s playing croquet. It’s not a typical golf stance but at least croquet is a game with a ball so she’s getting closer.

She got multiple holes in one which I attribute to good genes. After all, I took one week of golf lessons 17 years ago and the PGA has been begging me to go on tour with them ever since.

A few years ago, Sesame was VERY into parties. We’d have multiple birthday parties for her stuffed animals and toys every week. She’s gotten back into the party scene lately and set herself up a party to attend while she ate her snack on the deck. It was close to suppertime so I said she could only have a small snack. I meant a small amount of food but she took it literally and set up a small in size party. She got out mini pretzels and we used tiny Solo cups. She set out eleven cups but there were only had 3 human guests. She still has an array of imaginary friends so I assume they were the other eight guests.

She painstakingly wrote out invitations that did not come with an English translation.
Even as someone who also struggles with spelling, it took me some work to decode the words.
Hello Daquana, (I) would like you to come here to (an) outside snack party.”

AB’s alter ego, Ella, is turning 7 on October 12th. She’s already planning how we’ll celebrate.

gather ’round to hear the latest of my medical issues

By about 7:00 Monday evening I kept thinking to myself, "This has been A Week." Sunday afternoon I was feeling footloose and fancy free as I headed out to the mall for some mama time. My stomach started to hurt right as I pulled in but I pressed on. I was only there...

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life around here certainly isn’t boaring

life around here certainly isn’t boaring

Lately I've been into watching vlogs on Youtube. I found one done by a British girl and she's inspired me to spice up my vocabulary with a few British terms. The other day I told Annabelle we needed to "pop over to the shop round the corner". She hasn't picked up on...

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