Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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sweating really adds to the autumnal mood

We sweat our way through the traditional pumpkin patch activities while wearing shorts and swatting away gnats. Such is life when you live in the swamp of south Georgia. It’s my third fall here and I’m still shocked when it’s 97* in October. That seems like cruel and unnecessary punishment.

This is the first year Sesame didn’t wear a smocked outfit to the patch and I envied all the moms with little girls in smocked pumpkin shirts. I did convince her to wear this fallish outfit I picked up at the consignment sale. I had my doubts that she’d like it, but I really sold it by talking up the horse on the front. It’s so fun! A horse face on your shirt! And tassels! And I will pay you $25 to wear it with a happy heart! We then paid for her to paint a pumpkin while wearing said outfit which seemed like a poor parenting decision, but it turned out fine.
We wandered through the sunflower patch instead of the corn maze. I have a deep moral objection to paying hard-earned money to purposely get lost in a field of dying corn.

Annabelle and I have come to the agreement that whenever she poses for pictures, she can do her kind of smile first then my kind of smile. I NEVER want her to think or feel that I am making negative remarks about her appearance, but I love it when her sweet little smile crinkles up her face. They’re both beautiful smiles, but this is an arrangement that’s worked well so far.


What a lovely family moment captured in time forever.

life around here certainly isn’t boaring

life around here certainly isn’t boaring

Lately I've been into watching vlogs on Youtube. I found one done by a British girl and she's inspired me to spice up my vocabulary with a few British terms. The other day I told Annabelle we needed to "pop over to the shop round the corner". She hasn't picked up on...

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In a People House, Edition House #6

In a People House, Edition House #6

We've finally started to get pictures hung up and décor put up around here.   I have a love-hate relationship with collage walls. I love how they look but hate the thirty extra nail holes I always make when hanging the pictures. I was so proud of myself for...

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three very unrelated and unimportant topics

three very unrelated and unimportant topics

Two doors down from our house is a bar. A few weeks ago they put out a sign announcing they'd be having a "family friendly" Fall festival over the weekend. I wondered what family friendly event could happen at a bar. Apple juice shots, maybe?...

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