six short stories
We were having a conversation about whether we’d prefer to work for the CIA or FBI. I made a statement about how I’ve been watching a show about Quantico so I know all about how the CIA works. Christopher said, “Isn’t Quantico the FBI?” Ok, so maybe I don’t know EVERYTHING about how it works, including but not limited to the name and which bureau the entire show is about.
Me: I won’t be a weird cat person.
Also me: I can’t come to help you right now because my hand is supporting Lucy’s head while she naps.
back to regularly scheduled programming
Apparently I took a 13 day blogging break. I didn't mean to take a break, it just happened. I can barely even remember what happened between last time I blogged and now. I do remember that I sat Annabelle down on the edge of the front porch to take her picture and she...
time to add ‘pooper scooper’ to my resume
We've had some odd happenings around here lately. The most memorable is that I found two piles of what appeared to be cat or dog poop on the stairs inside my house. We don't own a cat. Or a dog. Obviously this is very disturbing. There were three possible...
I’d like to thank Goodwill for providing us endless summer entertainment for only $19.99
This weekend packed all the excitement we've come to expect around here. Christopher mowed the grass, I did laundry and weeded the garden, and AB unrolled the toilet paper all the way from the bathroom to the kitchen and threw all my makeup brushes into the tub....
it’s all fancy and formal until your bobby pins start popping out
A few weeks ago we were discussing the location of Christopher's battalion ball. He said, "I think it's at Bruce Jenner Hall." Excuse me? I told him I HIGHLY doubted any hall in our area was named after Bruce Jenner. Turns out he didn't have any idea who said...
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