unnecessarily wordy travel log
Annabelle and I just got back from a trip to see my family.
Everyone has opinions on traveling and what’s safe/not safe in this great new world, but we weighed the pros and cons and the pros won. We’re supposed to go up for Christmas but who knows what will be happening in the winter (or next week) so we jumped on the chance to go now. The Lord and Travelocity shone upon us and we were able to get reasonably priced flights. I knew some people might not be comfortable visiting which I completely understood. It was warm enough that we could visit outside or at the beach if necessary.

Our tiny town airport only opens security 40 minutes before the flight leaves. Christopher called to see if we needed to be there earlier these days and the man who answered said, “Eh. They can come whenever they want.” We could almost see him shrugging his shoulders through the phone. That’s the type of professionalism they have at that airport. It was by far the most sanitary flight I’ve ever been on. The seats were sprayed down between flights and everything was very clean. The plane was boarded from back row to front which is a system I’ve been promoting for years. They handed out wipes as we boarded and gave out prepackaged snacks in ziplock bags. Annabelle’s favorite part of flying is the snack and beverage service so she was disappointed.
Back when the corona craziness started I immediately thought of our annual Aunt Camp and was sure we’d lose that on top of everything else. Each year Aunt Camp gets easier for the camp counselors (Erika and I). The girls are very self-sufficient and beyond food don’t require much from us. We might add new little campers in the next few years so we’re relaxing while we can. We’ve always done a few trips to children’s museums or the zoo but this year we kept to ourselves at playgrounds and on walks. Sesame loves spending time with the cousins on both side and I love every time she creates new memories with them.

I bought the official 2020 Aunt Camp matching dresses. Next year Erika and I will buy ourselves matching diamond bracelets.

Daniel wanted he and I to get a covid test in the middle of our visit. There were various reasons I didn’t think that was necessary but I obliged and off we went to the drive-through testing site. We arrived at 7:09 and sat in the car for FOUR HOURS before we did the test. The whole thing was very poorly organized. It was supposed to start at 8:00 but the testing didn’t start until nearly 10:30. Each time there was a tiny bit of movement, we got very excited and sat up straighter. Most of the time the cars ahead of us were only moving because the driver gave up and left. We went through all the stages of grief in that parking lot. Daniel has a very mathematical/engineering mind and kept up a steady commentary about every new development. “If we calculate the number of cars divided by the amount of time needed to complete each test we can determine the amount of time it will be until we test. Let me check twitter for updates. You know what they say in the studies about the Rt factor and protein found in red blood cells.” I knew nothing about the study but I do now. I could have contributed my personal study on why the Ulta in our town is only doing curbside pickup but he was busy listening to conference calls about hemophilia. All in all, I would not give the testing experience a good yelp review but the company was entertaining.
I’m so glad we were able to visit Grandma. I thought we might have to visit outside but since I had a negative test she was fine with us going into her house.

I adore being with her and every time we’re together we play rummy. My humility prevents me from saying who won the game this visit. Annabelle captured this heartwarming picture featuring my double chins.

Autumn and Joanna drove down for a visit on Saturday. They’re always so sweet to make time in their schedules for me whenever I go home. The plan was to have a breakfast picnic on the beach. The first couple of hours were a big failure. I had a terrible headache, we were hungry, we couldn’t find an open beach and a variety of other issues. The beaches were only allowing in 25-50% capacity and we went to four before we found an open one. Autumn never once let the bumps stop her from having a good attitude. She brings the good times party bus wherever she goes. Joanna was a lifeguard for several years so I selflessly let her take AB into the waves. It had nothing to do with the fact that I don’t like getting saltwater on my face.

Joanna and Autumn have barely aged a day since our favorite beach picture of 10 years ago. I cannot say the same for myself.

Mom had hip replacement surgery while we were up. We didn’t plan on being there for the surgery but it worked out timewise. Erika and I decorated her living room. Elizabeth and I delivered coffee and frozen lemonade and watched a video of hip replacement surgery on youtube. I tried to set up a race between Mom with her walker and Grandma with her cane but the contestants were not available. It would have been hysterical.
There were 60 people in front of us in the ticket line on the way home. I ended up having to throw away my full bottle of expensive curl cream so we could take our luggage through security instead of checking them. I did not want to do that but we would have missed the plane if we stayed in the ticket line. That move ranks as one of the top five travel mistakes of my life. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “You know what sounds like a fun time? Pulling 50lbs of luggage through the Atlanta airport while keeping track of a 6 year old who is struggling to pull her own small unicorn carry-on bag. The 6yo will accidentally leave her bag on an elevator and that’s how I’ll learn that the sensor to keep the door from closing does not work properly. I’ll add in a backpack, a water bottle, and an ice coffee I’ll make the mistake of buying before realizing it’s nearly impossible to carry said coffee while pulling one bag with each hand. I’ll then settle myself at gate A4 only to be told I’m supposed to be at gate D4 on the other side of the airport. There’s no way I can pull and carry and bribe while keeping the coffee from spilling so it has to be thrown out while 90% full. We’ll roll into gate D4 with literal minutes to spare. No one will offer to help as I carry the 50lbs to the very back of the plane, bumping into every single aisle seat along the way. No one will offer to help when I try to swing them into the overhead compartment either. All this while wearing a facemask that is restricting my breathing. All this will lead to sore muscles the next day.” Don’t do it. Ask me how I know.
Here’s hoping our visit at Christmas doesn’t get canceled. Looking at you, ‘Rona, to not get in the way of a good time.
it was a dressy affair
When I was young I had my heart set on being on a poster. I had visions of hair and makeup people dolling me up. It was very appealing to my twelve year old self. Fast forward a few years to the day I received an email from eShakti asking if I'd like to review a...
at this point in their lives they’re better as long distance friends
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but let me tell you how I really feel
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a party’s not a party until you get out the straws
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