our best guy

Annabelle and I have Mama and Sesame sleepovers in the living room every few months. She’s been wanting to have a sleepover with Christopher for a few weeks and they finally did it last night. I told Christopher she would want to talk for a while before going to sleep and he said it would be no problem. Before she and I knew what was happening, he was snoring away. I don’t think he made it through the first story. The dude can’t handle the sleepover scene!

On one of the days, we were talking about prayer and how we can talk to God about anything. She had several cards to fill in that said “God, thank you for ______,” “God, please help my friend ______,” etc. Her answer for the card that said “God, please help me______” cracked me up. She wrote, “please help me with my disappearing act.” We did talk about praying for anything!

Parade of Christmas Clothes, 2014
A plaid Christmas dress. Could anything be more perfect? I don't know why she's not wearing a bow. I must have temporarily lost my mind. No tears of our first visit to Santa! Things can only go downhill in future years. All dressed up for her first Christmas...
from us to you
Santa Baby
a little family Christmas
Random pictures from the night we decorated our tree that have nothing to do with this post. AB's Baby's First Christmas ornament * Since we're traveling for Christmas this year we celebrated our little family Christmas over the weekend. We started off by walking...
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