In Never Neverland
Another show is in the books.
I was allowed a brief selfie when dropping AB off before the first show.
“Mom!! I have to go!! Cora is going in before me!! I neeeeeed to gooooo!!!!”
The wheel on Hook’s ship was Christopher’s when he was a little boy. It’s been hanging around in our craft room for years and finally got its moment in the literal spotlight.
AB was a Lost Boy which was a very appropriate role for her. She seldom knows what’s going on in life.
All the Lost Boys were dressed as animals and she picked black bear. I thought she looked adorable. “Mom, I think I’m supposed to go with accuracy, not adorable. Perhaps we should get me a tail.”
The little boy who initially had the role of the crocodile had too much stage fright and pulled out of the show early on. I offered to fill in but needless to say, Sesame Black Bear was not on board with sharing the stage with her mother. Wearing matching show shirts is about her limit these days. 😉
random roundup
I was at the library recently and the librarian was updating my phone number in the system. Immediately after she confirmed the area code, she pushed the books I had just checked out across the counter and said, "Who's the carrier?" I stared at her. What an odd...
writing this list made my blood pressure rise
Today is our 11th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, I decided to write a love letter detailing what I love about Christopher. Just kidding! Here's a list of 11 things we disagree on. 1. Will Smith vs Chris Rock 2. Mushrooms 3. If stop signs in parking lots...
Easter Eggs & Teacher Lunches
We are a Baptist family currently attending a Methodist church. We visited all the baptist churches in town and have, for now, veered off the familiar path to worship with the Methodists. If there's anything the Methodists love, it's a special service for everything....
spring break ’22
This is the first school year that Annabelle has started with the "my friends are_________ so can we'' talk. She's seldom flustered if they do or have something she doesn't, but it was very obvious that she wanted to do something for spring break when she found out...
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