Tuesday Tidbits
I promised myself I would blog at least two times a week but it hasn’t happened. We’ve been doing the same thing day after day, week after week and it’s getting monotonous. I have nothing new to talk about.
We’ve had some plumbing issues with the kitchen sink recently. Hector the plumber came with his business partner/brother/person who did absolutely nothing the whole time. Hector gave his opinions on not using dishwashers (“way too expensive to run”), tequila (“haven’t seen that brand since last time I was home in Puerto Rico”) and the quality of the appliance installation (“always put the mistakes at the bottom, not the top so no one sees”) When he finally got around to looking at the sink, he twisted one thing and declared the job done. I said, “And you’re sure that fixed it and we won’t have a leak tomorrow?” “Nah. I see this all the time. You’ll be good. It won’t leak anymore.” I’m someone who uses an expensive dishwasher so what do I know, but I didn’t share his confidence. I didn’t want to have to call him to come back and write a second check. He decided to test the sink like he was doing me some big favor. He filled the sink up and in no time water came rushing out the bottom. He lay half in, half out of the cupboard for a good 15 minutes catching the water in a plastic bowl. In the end he needed to replace a pipe so it was more than one little twist. I didn’t want to gloat but I TOLD HIM SO. I haven’t been working since the pandemic started so I might offer my plumbing expertise to Hector.
Speaking of work, we got together last week for a little baby shower for one of the girls. We had a surprise shower planned for her in March but like everything else it got canceled. She’s due in a few weeks and since we’re “allowed” to gather in small groups we had a last minute celebration. Of the nine girls who work there, four of us have children. The other three moms in the group played the age old baby shower game of telling war stories from their deliveries. I didn’t share the horrors of AB’s birth because poor Alyssa looked like she was about to pass out. Why? Why do women always feel the need to tell a new mom how much they tore or how many people in the hospital room saw them naked and exposed? The other girls who have never been pregnant looked equally as horrified and swore up and down they will not deliver children. When we helped Alyssa bring the gifts to the car she showed off the baby’s car seat. All the girls who thirty minutes earlier were anti pregnancy started ohhing and ahhing over the car seat and it’s little cover. Suddenly they couldn’t wait to have babies. And so the human race continues.
When AB saw the diaper cake I made she said, “That’s a lot of diapers. I think more diapers than the baby will need in three years. I used like, three diapers a week.” As the person who changed many more than three of her diapers a week, I can say with 3000% certainty that is a false statement.

Annabelle loves cooking and baking. I’m glad she does but it’s never as neat and tidy as they show on pinterest. I like making things with her but it’s so messy. Flour gets everywhere. She asks to taste every single ingredient. Butter gets smeared on the counter. I try so so hard to stay patient because I want her to good memories of baking with me. One night last week I very optimistically said we could make pretzels the next day. She was so excited. We listened to Wee Sing Around the World and I showed her how to roll them. She made a tray full of swirls, snails and little breads. She was so happy.

Contrary to how it appears, this is not a pregnancy announcement. I repeat. This is NOT an announcement.
One year ago today we saw Sesame for the first time. If I'm being completely honest, the best parts about today were not the moments when she finally stopped crying from teething pain when I took a super cute baby wearing a giant flower bow to story time,...
it’s a very hairy situation
I got a haircut last week. Normally I wouldn't mention it except, naturally, it didn't go according to plan. It all goes back to the fact that my normal hairdresser moved. It really was rude of the Army to relocate the husband of the only hairdresser I've ever...
five month Annabelle
At the exact moment I turned 5 months I was sitting with Mom and refusing to take a nap. Vital Statistics: I had packed on the pounds and made it all the way to 12lbs 13 oz but I lost some (I blame the heat and all the sweating) so now I'm down to 12.3. I'm...
sweaty is not one of my best looks
It's hot here. Really, really hot. Like, 184* with humidity of 1200%. Have I mentioned that our air conditioning has a mind of its own and only works half the time? Sometimes all we can do is sit in a mini lawn chair in the middle of the living room and look out the...
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