Sesame’s Suite 4.0

SHE HAS A CHANDELIER IN HER ROOM. I wanted a chandelier in her nursery and Christopher said no. I’ve asked about putting a chandelier in every room since with no luck. When we were looking at this house I saw the light and almost signed the check on the spot.

Sweet Sesame
I'm not just saying it because she's my baby or because I want to publicly compliment my people making skilz, but Sesame is the sweetest baby. She has recently decided to boycott bottles and she's started a whine that gets VERY annoying VERY quickly so it's not all...
this did not start off as a review of our screen time
Back in ye olden days of 2010 when I was 10elbees lighter and didn't have gray hair. We went on a date today! Currently Blogless Stephanie watched the baby so we could go see the One Hundred Feet Journey. Unlike some movie dates in the past, we both understood...
nothing earth shattering to read here
I haven't had much of interest to discuss lately. If you want to hear how the never ending crisis in the middle east in impacting the socioeconomic scene, I suggest you leave asap. If you want to hear how Sesame lays on her back on her play mat and rotates...
pass the cough medicine (and also some chocolate)
Allow me to give you a brief update on the medical condition of our family. Annabelle recovered from reflux just in time to start a grand slam cough/sneeze/congestion. I spent the better part of the weekend feeling like I was coming down with a combo of The...
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