home for the holidays
decorating Grammy’s tree
Elizabeth had the idea that we cut words out of magazines to describe (either accurately or not)
the gift recipient and tape them to the package. It brought us endless entertainment.
This is one of AB’s. “Lively” and “unlimited talk.”
Sesame loves looking at photo books so she had the idea to give Christopher one.
Her secretary put one together and her accountant handed over the cash. She took all the credit.
Baby Ivy isn’t a baby anymore!
The above secretary/accountant took Christopher on an overnight trip to Boston.
We stayed in a lovely old hotel, walked for miles around the city, and visited the prettiest bookstore.
Our anniversary was Thursday. In years gone by I would have a scheduled anniversary post ready to go up days in advance with one thing I love about Christopher for each year we were celebrating. I would have booked a babysitter and made a restaurant reservation....
Currently, the selfie edition
Annoyed: that I spent three days trying to write this and half of it disappeared so I have to start over. Feeling: old. What else is new. A boy from the first family I babysat for got married a few months ago and his wife is pregnant. A few of the other children I...
let’s hope they can identify more than farm animals when they make it to the White House
Back when we were planning Annabelle's educational path for 2020 I kept telling myself that if she had to end up in public school, I would be the most fun and involved mom around. I'd sign up for anything! Annabelle's mom would be known as the fun mom! Thanks to the...
Monday Mishmash
* A family from church lives down the street from us. They have two children who age-wise are on either side of AB and they all get along well. AB and their daughter like to play in the mud and ''make potions" together which works well for me as I don't like playing...
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