Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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noteworthies from November

Student of the month “for demonstrating honorable character.”

The L’s celebrated a birthday. They were less than thrilled. It seems they are not party animals.

This year’s 4th grade science fair experiment was about German candle carousels and thermal energy. 

Sesame will look out the window for an entire plane ride. The last few flights she chose
to take pictures out the window instead of watching a show or doing any of her several activities.

Houston for Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of card games around that table. 

It took months too long, but Fall finally showed up.
I found all three colored leaves in the backyard then took myself leaf-peeping.



Our best girl turned seven today. At the very minute the clock turned from six years to seven, she was playing catch with Dad. She LOVES drawing. She'll fly through a pack of printer paper like nobody's business. A friend asked what she wanted for her birthday and I...

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this involved a lot of tile and error

this involved a lot of tile and error

Every time I have a miscarriage or am in a waiting period, I do a house project. I swear this house is never as clean as when I'm frantically cleaning while waiting for results. Last October I put all my energies into tiling the laundry room wall. The laundry room is...

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my best girl & my favorite sport

my best girl & my favorite sport

One of my motherhood dreams has come true: I am officially a baseball mom. I could not be more thrilled. Annabelle is playing on the Y team and since I've become a broken record about our local Y's performance I won't go over it again, but suffice to say the team is...

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see me for all your Whitepages needs

see me for all your Whitepages needs

For several years I’ve wished AB’s doctor and my therapist were our neighbors. Just think how convenient it would be to see the pediatrician getting into his car and be able to run out and yell him a question from our driveway. He would love it! My therapist would be...

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