Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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snapshots from November now that we’re halfway through December

We recently went to a mother daughter tea party at a local church. There were sugar cubes, petit fours, the whole nine yards. AB is not a tea party gal, but (surprise surprise) I am. I had the best time.

Each mother was asked to bring a special tea cup for their daughter. There must have been a run on teacups because TJMaxx had not one fancy teacup left on their shelves. Annabelle is more of a mug and quirky cat kind of girl anyway so it worked out.

We traveled to Houston for Thanksgiving. We left our home at 4:30am and arrived at the hotel at 7:45pm. Annabelle had the best time playing with cousins. She was trying to set up phone calls before we left so they could keep chatting.

We visited NASA to see the Christmas lights display. I adore anything space/NASA related and Christmas lights. Put ’em together and what do you have? My dream scenario. We went a few years ago and have talked about it ever since.

Scene- leaving the inlaws house
Me: Why does it only say 19 minute to the airport when it’s always over 50?
Christopher: That’s the difference between weekday and weekend traffic in Houston.
twelve minutes later
Me: These roads look different. We haven’t seen all the skyscrapers we always see.
Christopher: The GPS is taking us a different way.
Me: Are you sure we’re going to the right airport?
Christopher: Yes.
Me: Ok.
Christopher: Check the itinerary.
Me: We are not going to the right airport.
Houston, we do indeed have problems.

In Never Neverland

In Never Neverland

Another show is in the books.   I was allowed a brief selfie when dropping AB off before the first show. "Mom!! I have to go!! Cora is going in before me!! I neeeeeed to gooooo!!!!" The wheel on Hook's ship was Christopher's when he was a little boy. It's been hanging...

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We spent the first part of spring break at appointments, weeding the yard, and bopping about town. We spent the tail end partying it up on Miami beaches with the cool kids. Just kidding. They'd never let Christopher and his old man bones within 50 miles of spring...

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When AB was born, I made the goal of taking her picture at the exact time she was born every year until she turned ten. Ideally I'll do it for the next 50 years, but I'm trying to be realistic. I don't achieve many of my big goals, but I achieved this one. Every year,...

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Currently, the Marching On edition

Currently, the Marching On edition

reading: Diana, Closely Guarded Secret. It's written by Princess Diana's bodyguard of several years which means the information is high on accuracy and low on gossip. I don't like to bring gossipy books into the house because of the looks I'll get from the other two....

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