Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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oh shucks

Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch for our annual Fall day o’ fun. I always wear pants out of principle even though it’s in the 80s and more like shorts weather. We like to go there and sweat it out as we go down the giant tube slide, paint pumpkins, shoot the corn cannon, and more. When we arrived the place was dead. The man at the counter was surprised to see us. He said all the festivities ended the week before “because it’s almost December.” It was two weeks before Thanksgiving. Do people not like to have fun in November? We’re ready for fun at all times.

Given the limited options, we decided to do the corn maze. This corn maze had the added element of finding clues along the way to find out which farm animal kidnapped the farmer. Generally, I’m against paying for an event where I purposely get lost. I can (and do) get lost for free any old time! The last time I did a corn maze was when I was pregnant. I was maybe three months pregnant but we got so lost I thought I’d still be in there when it was time for me to have the baby. Now the baby that I almost had in the corn maze was leading the way (the blind leading the blind) while I brought up the rear and hoped for the best. She sang “Roses are red, violets are blue. Baby, I love you! That much is true!” I sang “Where you lead, I will follow” from Gilmore Girls but apparently it wasn’t a proper corn maze song because it “didn’t have enough of a beat.” I don’t think there should be so many rules in a corn maze shaped like a pig.

never say never

never say never

I am not a a sporty person.  I love baseball and the Olympics but football, soccer and basketball could be banned and I'd never once miss them. I always assumed that I'd have children who played sports and I wasn't overly thrilled about it. It's not that I don't...

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Muffin Tins and Egg Cartons and Betsy Ross

Guest post by Sister of the Blog "The Squidz" Elizabeth Sarah is an enneagram twelve. She's sure of it. If you have not heard of the Enneagram, this isn’t the place to learn about it. On all things typology, Sarah prefers to swing between radio silence on her blog and...

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Coffee talk

Coffee talk

The hunt for a new church continues. It's been a long and arduous process with very little success. I'm tempted to start Mattress Springs Baptist at home and not leave the bed on Sunday morning but we press on. We were invited to a friends church and have attended the...

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