Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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she is as literal as her mother

I have big news, people.


You’re not ready for this. You might want to sit down.
I finally picked out a new shower curtain.

I KNOW. You can’t make this kind of stuff up. It only took me buying six before I settled on this one and I am overly excited about it. I stop to look at it every time I walk by. Annabelle is going through an annoying phase where she wants to stay in the bathroom with her while she showers which is very inconvenient but it helps that I have a pretty shower curtain. Sadly the florals have not stopped her from getting two gallons worth of water on the floor each time she bathes.

That about wraps it up for exciting life news around here.


In addition to the curriculum the school sends home for Monday/Wednesday/Friday, AB and I have been learning about national parks. This week we learned about park rangers and made a mixed media picture featuring a self-portrait of AB as a park ranger.

As she painted, we listened to random tunes on youtube. “Bridge Over Troubled Water” came on and to no one’s surprise, I sang along with great gusto. Sesame asked what the song was about so I launched into a lengthy teaching moment about how we can be there to support each other when life gets tough and too hard to handle alone. I will be the wind beneath her wings. I’ll be there for her when things get hard and, to borrow the phrase in question, be like a bridge that gets her from the hard things to the better side. She can count on me! “Hmm,” she said. “That sounds like you’ll get wet if you’re a bridge.”

What a tender mother-daughter moment.

currently- the first Georgia edition

currently- the first Georgia edition

Enjoying: trips to the Walmart grocery store. Normally when I grocery shop I try to get in and out as efficiently as possible. I don't hate doing it but it doesn't have a history of being something I look forward to. Well. Let me tell you about my new grocery shopping...

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bullet points are were it’s at

bullet points are were it’s at

I don't even know where to start. My brain is mush. * We're still unpacking like crazy but there's a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. My craft room is the catch-all room for everything that doesn't have a home and it won't be unpacked until July of 2022 but...

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homelessness and party hats

homelessness and party hats

Editorial comment- When we were home for Christmas, Elizabeth asked if she could write a guest post for me. I assumed it would be a little tale of our latest escapades or tales from her days living on a farm. I did not expect it to be an ode to myself. I did not...

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if I don’t laugh about it I’ll cry

if I don’t laugh about it I’ll cry

Welcome to our home! All the big bloggers do tours of their beautiful homes and I wanted to jump on that bandwagon. A multitude of boxes will meet you as you enter the front door.  To the left, you'll see Christopher's study. It's really a place of peace and...

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