Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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this involved a lot of tile and error

Every time I have a miscarriage or am in a waiting period, I do a house project. I swear this house is never as clean as when I’m frantically cleaning while waiting for results.

Last October I put all my energies into tiling the laundry room wall. The laundry room is between the back door and the kitchen so we, and guests, walk through it several times a day. I painted the cabinets during a previous miscarriage recovery time and it helped brighten up the room (or “the space” as hgtv says) but I wanted to liven it up more. I decided the best way to do this was to tile the wall behind the machines. Keep in mind that I had never tiled anything before. This did not stop me from researching, ordering various tiles and mats and watching tutorials on youtube. There was a small detour on Buzzfeed to find out which brand of pizza sauce I am but all work and no play makes Sarah a bored person.

This is the closest thing I have to a before picture. This was the first possible tile that was vetoed because it reminded me of a Florida pool house. I went through several samples and trips to Home Depot before deciding on black and white tiles.

We had some minor setbacks. I electrocuted my finger, ruined two spatulas forever because I needed them to spread grout and we experienced a bit of flooding. We thought the water hose was connected properly but alas, it was not.
But once the water was cleaned up and my hand stopped zapping, I am so pleased with how it turned out.
I organized inside the cabinets and gave the family a tour of where everything went. There’s a place for everything and everything has its place. Neither of them were taking notes as evidenced by the number of times they ask me “where’s the ________?” and the answer is always “above the washing machine and dryer.”

My Downton Abbey bells hangs on the side.

Sadly the bell did not come with a laundry woman or butler. If it did, I imagine I wouldn’t have some version of this pile on the dryer at any given time.


Thursday Tidbits

Thursday Tidbits

I had big plans to blog yesterday afternoon but the morning exhausted me and I had no energy left. Why was I so tired? Because I hosted a play date. It was only 4 kids total but you'd have thought it was 34. I had a bad nights sleep, I woke up on the wrong side...

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this post has no real point

this post has no real point

I'm glad I didn't broadcast my intentions to blog more this year because the month is halfway done I'm only dusting off the old keyboard for the second time. (We're already off to a bad start. I dropped my memory card and had to go searching for it under the couch....

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it’s all fun and games until you forget you’re a mother

it’s all fun and games until you forget you’re a mother

I spent part of Monday morning cleaning up a vomit covered child, car seat and sippy cup. I used every single wipe I had. Happy new year to me! It hasn't been all gagging and throwing up. Our calendar has been quite full. I've become so popular since I moved away!...

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let’s finish the year on a negative note

let’s finish the year on a negative note

Usually this is the time of year where I reflect on moments of the part year that were special or worth remembering. It's a time when I talk about all the sweet things Christopher did or Sesame said. Not this year, folks. Not this year. Instead I bring to you a...

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