We decided to take our Valentines celebration on the road this year by visiting the Parthenon in Greece.

Or perhaps it was the Parthenon in Nashville. The exact location is a mere technicality.

The earliest dinner reservation available that evening was 9:15, so we had plenty of time to kill. I spent more than a little of that time reading an article about Nashville’s most eligible singles. In retrospect, Valentines Day may not have been the most romantic time I could have chosen to read that article.

We had a few pre-appetizers at a different restaurant before the main meal at the fancy restaurant because if you’re going to travel all the way to Greece to celebrate true love, you might as well hit up all the restaurants. I kept Christopher entertained by telling him one of the world’s most anticlimactic stories about the time I mixed up my purse with Jenn’s. As I got to the punchline, “But I mean, OBVIOUSLY it was her purse because no one else was around at 5:30 in the morning,” the waitress leaned over and said, “All the sketchy stuff happens at 5:30 in the morning.”

Well. Had I known you were eavesdropping I would have prepared a better story.

(How many self-portraits can I include in one post?)
I realize this picture makes it look like we intended to pose with the white lamp over Christopher’s shoulder. We did not. I was also unaware of the hair sticking straight up off my head. These are the types of problems you deal with when continually forced to take self portraits. Next Valentines I’ll be sure to bring a pack of photographers with me when we spend the holiday in Paris.
Paris, Tennessee that is.