* Within a span of seven days the following items in our house broke: the heat, the hot water heater, the kitchen sink, the internet, and the water filter in the refrigerator. Our house is cursed. Who wants to come visit?
* I was recently reading an article about a team traveling to Mars. I was feeling jealous not to have been included when I read that it’s a one-way trip. And just like that I decided I have no problem staying home.
* At my last appointment the midwife was talking about birth plans. I didn’t tell her I developed a plan called JITB, or Jack in the Box. It works like this: you pick a short tune, preferably a lullaby or some other child appropriate tune (extra parent points if it’s educational), to be played you’re while in labor. The song plays for 10-15 second before suddenly stopping. As soon as it stops the baby pops out and you have the worlds fastest delivery. Move over, Hypnobabies. There’s a new method in town.
* I failed the glucose test on Monday so I go back on Friday for the 3 hour test. I anticipate
1. fainting from lack of food
2. being completely bored
3. failing again
* Since we’re on the topic of my health, I had to find a new primary care doctor. I didn’t know who to pick so I looked on the website of a large and popular doctors office in town. My method of narrowing down doctors was very scientific- Are they female? Do they look nice? Do I like their name? I am nothing but superficial. I eventually choose a doctor named Greta because she sidelines as a jazz gospel singer. This singing doctor discovery was almost as exciting as learning last summer that I had been assigned to a doctor named Mary Crawley. If you don’t know who Mary Crawley is than I not sure we can be friends.
* Speaking of Mary Crawley, this season of Downton Abbey has already DONE ME IN. As if not having Matthew and his wonderful hair around isn’t bad enough, now I have to hurt for Anna until the next episode. I MAY NEVER RECOVER.

I would totally come visit you! 🙂
HI Sarah
I always read your blog but i never comment…
Hope all is well in your world 🙂
Oh my gosh what happened to Anna has me tied up in knots! We will have to exchange notes on Monday!
I was dying when I saw what was happening to Anna!! Why? Why do they play with our emotions?! And I hope you pass your glucose test, man those things were gross!
I hope you pass your next test. Where is this Dr. Mary Crawley?! Poor Anna, they are really after her all of a sudden!
I am…. not in on this Downton Abbey (which, in my head is "Downtown Abbey") so I can't comment in anyone's hair. But I do like the new birthing method you've come up with! I hope that works!
I love your doctor selection process. I just wanted someone to take my dang insurance. Don't have a kid out of the service, it's expensive! 😉
I hope your hot water heater is fixed- there's nothin' worse.
Re: Anna- OMG. Kill myself. I wish I was dead. I saw someone question if she'd end up pregnant and almost slit my wrists. WHY ANNA!? What did she ever do to anyone!?!?!?!??!
Jenn- please watch Downton. Start with Season One.
Re: The glucose test- I didn't mind that drink at all! And whatever happens, it's all for the health of your baby. I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. Low sugars, low sugars, low sugars.
Your method of choosing a doctor is exactly what I would do. In fact, I should probably choose a doctor…
DOWNTON. Still upset. So glad we can text about these things.