I’m coming to you live from the parking lot of Sesame’s dance studio. I’ve been meaning to blog all week, but I’m too tired at the end of the day to do more than sit on the couch and read BBC articles about the projected economic structure of Indonesia.


I go on Pinterest to look at memes and plan how I’ll redecorate my house. I’m so nervous about foster care that it’s made me go into full nesting and redecorating mode. I didn’t nest until 24 hours before Annabelle was scheduled to be born so needless to say I didn’t get much done. I’ve been vacuuming under beds and bleaching down tubs. I got a strip of removable wall vinyl that looks like white wood to put up as an accent wall in the bathroom. 
I recently put up new pictures in the play area but now I want to redo the whole thing. I bought a large tree vinyl for AB’s room. I’ve gone through my closet and donated clothes.
I need to redecorate the shelf in the other bathroom. It’s the one spot in the house that I’ve been fully pleased with for months. I walked in the other day and the shelf had fallen off the wall. The glass bird and various pots and fake plants had broken into dozens of pieces all over the floor. Annabelle came in the bathroom to see what was happening with the cats following behind like she was the pied piper. They all crowded around the glass while I yelled things about safety and no shoes on, etc. Then the cats started climbing the shower curtain AGAIN so I had to pull them down. I’d get one down and the other one would go up. The saying about herding cats being difficult is very accurate.

Speaking of the cats, they’ve reeled me in hook, line, and sinker. I wasn’t a cat person until we got L&L. Let me clarify. I’m still not a cat person. I’m a MY cats person. Sometimes they’re so annoying and it’s like we have two toddlers. They get into everything. They’ve ripped curtains so all the long curtains in the house are tied up out of their reach. They tip over cups of water. They’ll climb into the dishwasher when it’s being unloaded. They’ll climb into open drawers and settle down in the back so it can’t be shut. They opened a closed pizza box and dragged a piece across the room to enjoy.

This is a scene that happens several times a day:
Me: “LINUS AND LUCY GET OFF THE COUNTER. NO! Don’t touch that! Get your face out of that bowl! That’s not your food! How many times have I told you not to climb on the table while we’re eating! WHY DON’T YOU LISTEN.”

Me five minutes later: “Oh, you’re such sweet little cuddle muffins. You’re my favorite cats. Do you want to snuggle with Mom? You’re so cute I think we should get another kitten. Do you want a treat? You’re such good kitties. Do you want me to get you some milk?”

I took an unintended 24-hour break after writing the above. The people in my house demand things like meals and toilet paper so it’s hard to get anything done. Maybe one day they’ll be less high maintenance. 

We’ve had an up and down relationship with churches recently. We’ve been going to a new church the last few weeks and this past Sunday we went to their Sunday school for the first time. Christopher instantly hit it off with a few of the men who were talking about guns. “They’ve got a 9mil and they’ve got a 40 but it has an mmp and a kick so you’re better off with the 60. The other company sells a pistol that is good close range so you need the 15 for distance blah blah blah.” All I know about guns is once I held up the entire concealed carry class because my finger wasn’t strong enough to pull the trigger on the gun they gave me. It was so embarrassing.

You know else is embarrassing? Walking around the store with a large piece of tape stuck to your butt and neither of the people you’re shopping with notice and save you from the humiliation. 

Yesterday afternoon AB and I ran to the grocery store. She doesn’t nap anymore (much to my sorrow) but it was during the time she normally rests on the couch and watches a show. She had been up several times the night before with ear infection pain and was very much on the edge of a misbehaving cliff so I was trying to get out as quickly as possible. I was bagging limes when a middle-aged lady put her squash on the scale next to us and asked Annabelle to tell her the weight. Several minutes later, the same lady stopped us and gave Annabelle two dollars for helping her. Annabelle had done nothing but give an incorrect weight and she was given money. If anyone deserves money for making a last-minute grocery store run seconds away from a meltdown, I think it should be yours truly. I told the lady that Annabelle was taking a special birthday trip this weekend and she could bring the money with her. The lady whipped out another dollar and gave it to us. I really wanted to tell her my birthday is around the corner and I too would like someone to fund a birthday trip. 

I can’t say this is one of my best posts ever, but as Socrates said, “better to have blogged subparly than never blogged at all.”  Personally, I question the accuracy of that, but who am I to question the words of a philosopher? I couldn’t even spell ‘accuracy’ correctly.