I tried all day yesterday to blog but every single time I sat down, the cat ran out of the house or the laundry needed to be switched or Miss No Personal Bubble was three inches from my face.

We celebrated our anniversary last week by wearing fancy clothes and eating takeout in the dining room. I hadn’t worn the dress since I was slightly smaller so it didn’t zip all the way in the back but no one else was at Restaurant de Personal Dining Room so it didn’t matter. Annabelle ate in the kitchen while facetiming with Grammy and Elizabeth. It worked out well for all involved. Somehow we’ve been married for nine years but it feels like two. It’s gone by SO fast.
Annabelle wrote us this card. “Der mom and dad. Hop you hav a hape anovrsre.”

Poor Sesame was getting droopy and sad last week from missing her friends and her normal life. I’ve tried to keep as much of a normal schedule as possible while adding in a little extra fun, but I can’t replace her swimming, ballet or playdates. Several times I’d find her laying on the floor in her bedroom or the living room, staring into space. I decided we needed to get out of the house so Monday we had a Mommy Sesame date. We needed to go grocery shopping anyway, so we drove an hour and a half to a town with an Aldis and an open park. There were very few people at the park so we weren’t in anyone’s way. It made me so happy to see her splashing around. She kept telling me, “This is the best quarantine day I’ve ever had.”

That anniversary note… how cute is that.
YES!!! Glad reading for fun is clicking. I think it just opens up a world of magic for kids… & yeah, me too 🙂
Nine years?! That is crazy.
Happy anniversary! I'm bummed that we're missing out on the best time of year to do stuff in TX but hopefully this means that we'll all get over everything sooner