stayed tuned for my review of the new Star Wars movie

I hope that clears things up.
I hope that clears things up.
Over the weekend we drove to Atlanta to visit Christopher’s grandmother. After the Columbus car break in and the tour of Texas hospitals last month I was expecting the worst to happen on this trip. Forget about low expectations, I set my expectations at zero. I fully prepared myself for the car to catch on fire or someone’s appendix to burst. I believe the word you’re looking for is optimistic.
Thankfully we enjoyed a three day visit with very little crying and no sickness. Annabelle and Great Gran were thick as thieves by the time we left. We went swimming, visited C’s aunt and uncle, and ate at Ihop where AB licked the remaining drops out of all the empty half and half containers. We’ve been making our child’s vacation dreams a reality since 2014.
We did have one problem. More of a disagreement than a problem, really. Christopher and I have an on-going disagreement about the appropriateness/legality of stopping at a hotel to use their lobby restroom instead of using the restrooms at a rest stop. One of us says it’s wrong because we’re not paying customers, the other says it’s perfectly fine because A) there are no signs forbidding it and B) the paying customers have their own restrooms.
Please help us resolve this issue. The peace of our next car trip may depend on you. No pressure!
(Please don’t let Christopher win this one. He still brings up how he won the best ways to defrost raw chicken poll a few years ago.)
We just returned from an eight day trip to visit Christopher’s family in Texas. It didn’t go exactly as planned. Allow me to (briefly) elaborate on the first six days.
* Annabelle had the worlds worst blowout as we were pulling into the airport. Never had she ever done such a thing. Christopher stripped her down in the parking lot while I attempted to clean her car seat, gagging the entire time.
* She choose sitting on my lap on the plane as the perfect opportunity for her first time to throw up all over herself, the seat, and me. I walked through the airport smelling like a garbage heap and not looking much better. I had no pride left.
* She had two more blowouts on the way to the hotel.
* Vomit City, USA
* Christopher and I were hit with the same cursed virus.
* She lay on the hotel bed calling for her Memere and saying “tummy, tummy” over and over.
* We visited four (count them- 1,2,3,4) urgent care centers/er’s because she kept getting sick, having blowouts, burning with fever and barely eating or drinking. I was so worried she was dehydrated. On the way to the last hospital I told Christopher that I wouldn’t leave until they gave her an iv. The doctor refused and the only thing that kept me from hurling the stool at him was that I was holding the sick baby. Five days later and I’m still so mad at him.
All I wanted to do was curl up and take a 72 hour nap.
But it certainly wasn’t all poop and puke. We went swimming and to the playground with the cousins and to a candy store Christopher visited when he was little. We spent a few hours at the beach.
Annabelle’s grandmother and aunt had a little Hawaiian birthday party for her. She was somewhat of a stick in the mud the whole time but I thought it was the sweetest.
Our fourth anniversary was on Wednesday. The traditional four year gift is fruits and flowers we thought it appropriate to visit a botanical garden (which turned out to be a rainforest as hot as the surface of the sun) and aquarium. We were childless and carefree, just like back in the olden days of early 2014.
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Back in ye olden days of 2010 when I was 10elbees lighter and didn’t have gray hair. |
We went on a date today! Currently Blogless Stephanie watched the baby so we could go see the One Hundred Feet Journey. Unlike some movie dates in the past, we both understood everything that happened. Our movie viewing history has had some highs and lows.
When we saw a Jason Bourne movie a few years I was so lost I eventually started counting how many pieces of popcorn I ate to entertain myself. The movie didn’t even have Jason Bourne in it. It was all about some dude named Aaron Cross so why they didn’t name it the Aaron Cross Legacy is beyond me.
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About to attend our first ball together. Look at that face. Christopher could hardly contain his excitement! |
The last James Bond movie came out a few years ago on Christopher’s birthday. In preparation for it’s debut we watched the previous JB movies. Again, the confusion was real. After the first one I had to read the wikipedia page to understand most of what was happening. Thanks to wikipedia, when we watched the last one I was bursting with pride that I knew what was about to happen before Christopher did. He didn’t want to know so I had no one to share my joy with. The level of unrealistic things that go on in those movies are unbelievable. Listen. If you fall hundreds of feet off a moving train after being shot, you’re dead. I don’t care if you’re Harrison Ford, you’re still going to be dead. Not to mention the scene where he’s at a fancy theater talking very loudly into his secret device and nobody shushes him. In what theater would this be acceptable behavior? Not to mention this:
Happy anniversary, Christopher. I hope you’re always the one to find my misplaced sewing items.