finished with fourth
Another school year has come to an end.
Sarah’s carpool karaoke is still going strong. The two mornings I drove AB to school, I still sang her the same two songs I’ve been singing since she began school. I constantly worried she’d ask me to stop singing, but we’re still going strong. Every day when I picked her up, I asked what the scoop was inside the school. There was very rarely a dramatic scoop, but I still asked. Every Thursday, we drove across the street to Sonic for a small cherry limeade and medium tots. We are a people who found our rhythm and stuck to it.
This year, we chauffered a school friend to another friend’s home every Tuesday afternoon. That friend didn’t often have any inside information from her grade, but I always asked. She laughed at my jokes, which was more appreciation than my offspring often gave me.
On home school days, Annabelle spent as much time as she could doing school on the picnic table. Sometimes on winter days, we’d make a fire and do school on the living room floor. I taught more math than I ever care to do again. I read aloud in the afternoons like Mom did for me. Thanks to a patient tutor, she turned her spelling struggles around. I still suffer from badd spelin sklz and sadly picked up nothing during our weekly sessions.
My Sesame Pie got the A Honor Roll for the third year in a row. By extension, I also got A Honor Roll for the third year in a row. She was voted as Most Likely to Become President. That’s great news for me because I can be her First Lady. Christopher is a party pooper and says he won’t run for president which means AB was my only ticket to Washington. Her teacher gave her the Kindness Award and her classmates gave her the Caring Heart Award which means more than the honor roll.
I don’t know that we’re homeschool for life people, but I wouldn’t trade these days at home with her for anything. (Actually, I might trade some of them. But overall, big fan.)
Currently, the end of summer edition
Starting: my morning car ride karaoke back up. I only drive to school twice a week so I have to make the songs good. The passenger isn't overly impressed with my selections but to be fair, I've been singing the same two songs for three years now. I sing It's a...
Aunt Camp Twenty-Two
We barely squeezed in Aunt Camp at the end of our Massachusetts visit but we got it done. We're like the USPS. Neither snow nor rain nor a shmandemic or a grandmother in the ICU will keep us from our tradition. Last year Oliver was but a newborn in a Snoo. This year...
Sesame’s summer as told by Sesame
"I don't do blogs but I guess I can help with yours. Ok, let's see. My favorite shows to watch this summer are Wizards of Waverly Place and The InBestigators. My favorite podcasts are Wow In the World, Who When What, Bobby Wonder and Circle Round. We went to a water...
visitors here and visitors there
Evidently, this has turned into a once-a-season blog. It's been so long since I logged in that I'm shocked I got the password correct on the first try. I can barely remember what has happened in the last few months. School starts in under two weeks which is absurd. It...
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