Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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the first of Fall

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Yesterday I started to leave for the vet and forgot to bring the cat. Lucy doesn’t fit in her crate anymore so I put the leash on her while I carried her into the office. There has never been anyone else in the cat waiting room, but this time there were three old cat ladies. Lucy wanted nothing to do with the other cats and pulled at her leash while she hissed at them. The smallest cat was named Desi, after Desi Arnez, which seemed appropriate since he was the only one Lucy was paying attention to. One of the ladies said she had four kittens in her bathroom waiting for a new home. I almost took one but I can’t even remember to bring the animal I have to the vet so I probably shouldn’t get another. This was further confirmed when I was trying to simultaneously sign the receipt while keeping Lucy from launching out of my arms and nearly dropped the cat and the receipt.

I went to the dentist and told them my maiden name instead of my current last name. I’ve had my married name for 33% of my life but I confidently put down my maiden name. Sometimes I think I should have done a double last name because I’ve done this several times since I’ve been married. The problem with that is my initials would be SOFA and while I love a good couch, I don’t need my initials to be the same as a piece of furniture. I told the hygienist that I’ve been having pain in my jaw. She said to “avoid such things as yawning and singing.” I’m constantly tired and not singing would put a huge damper on my car ride karaoke. I don’t see myself not doing either of those things.

Clearly, I’m firing on all cylinders!

Yesterday it was a lovely 72*. It was the first day in nearly five months I didn’t sweat and I was thrilled. Annabelle was rubbing her arms and chattering. “C-c-c-an you get me a sweatshirt, p-p-p-lease?” She’s been counting down the days until Fall for months. The TINIEST bit of fall starts blowing in and she says it’s too cold. Girlfriend has been in the south too long. We went to the outdoor Y pool for one last swim. The water was so cold we only swam for about 12 minutes. It took us longer to get our bathing suits on and drive to the pool so I’m glad we put all that effort in.
She had a meeting with the school counselor today and told me they talked about things she doesn’t like. “I told her I don’t like loud noises and I am overwhelmed by raw onions in any form. I do not like raw onions.” I’m sure the counselor took detailed notes on that tidbit.

gallivanting around Gatlinburg

gallivanting around Gatlinburg

We had a lengthy list of places to visit while we lived here but as usual, time got away from us and we've only visited 1/3 of the places. This week we visited Gatlinburg and crossed one more place off our list.   I found a hotel deal on...

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this is no meek and timid mouse

Annabelle has the Dr. Suess book There's a Wocket in my Pocket! It starts out like this: Did you ever have the feeling there's a ZAMP in the LAMP? Or a NINK in the SINK? Or a WOSET in the CLOSET? I'd like to add a new verse, written from my personal experience: Or a...

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Day O’Fun

Day O’Fun

Sometimes I feel like AB and I need to kick up our day to day activities a notch. I know she doesn't get bored easily but I also know she really likes going out to explore the world. Yesterday I did all the cleaning and laundry so today could be our...

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The Scrabble Party

The Scrabble Party

When Joanna came to visit a few months ago she was talking about how her birthday last year was terrible. I knew we would at home visiting over her birthday so Autumn and I planned a surprise birthday party to make up for last year. Autumn was housesitting...

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