Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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We spent the first part of spring break at appointments, weeding the yard, and bopping about town. We spent the tail end partying it up on Miami beaches with the cool kids. Just kidding. They’d never let Christopher and his old man bones within 50 miles of spring break. We went to Birmingham.

We had some hotel issues. I found a hotel at a fantastic price with an additional coupon code. It had good reviews and the pictures were nice. I was proud of my research and financial wisdom. It might have been helpful if I had looked at its location in relation to the attractions, but I did not. That did not cross my mind. I’ll work on that in my next decade of life. Upon arrival, the hotel was less than pristine. Christopher dealt with telling the office we wouldn’t be staying. I would flirt with bedbugs before dealing with the uncomfortable conversation of telling the front desk their room was dirty and I would be finding alternate arrangements. We found another hotel and upon arriving at our room, that bathroom was filthy and the fire alarm would not stop blaring. Down to the front desk we went for alternate accommodations. I thought we might be headed for our third hotel in an hour but we were outfitted with a quieter new room.

We visited a children’s science museum, new coffee shops, the botanical garden, and the Birmingham Zoo. The rhino wasn’t out and the zookeeper, who was wearing rhino earrings which I appreciated, said, “She’s an introvert and something startled her so she’s hiding at home.” I don’t think that I’ve ever related to an animal so much. That poor introverted rhino was across the walkway from the party animals. The monkey frat house. No wonder she didn’t want to come out. That place was hopping. They were hanging from the ceiling by their tails and eating lettuce upside down. That feels very similar to my house. I’ll be doing something quiet, and AB will be listening to an audiobook while marching and loudly playing her tin whistle while the cats are running up the back of the couch. I love birds. I have a bird village in the front yard with houses and a bird bath. I’m creating a second bird village in the backyard with new feeders. A mama bird built a nest in my wreath and I check on her and her little family every day. I drop a little pile of crumbs by her nest so she doesn’t have to go far for a snack. I know she can survive without me, but she’s living on my door and I want to be a good hostess. It is my dream to hold a hummingbird. The zoo has a walkthrough aviary and I flew right in.

YOU CAN CALL ME SNOW WHITE.Me- Thrilled beyond belief.
Sesame- Not so much.
 Christopher wouldn’t let us bring a bird home as a souvenir. Like I said- he’s an old man who isn’t the fun one on wild spring breaks.



When we were young, Katie and I had a particular way of eating Skittles. She ate the red and purple, I ate the yellow and orange and we split green lime. It was a perfect system and to this day I do not eat a Skittle without thinking of her and wishing she'd take the...

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Suess Days and World Days

Suess Days and World Days

We've had a busy few weeks at school. We had Dr. Suess week, Read Across America and World Day within days of each other. I'd like to schedule a meeting with the principle and/or all parties responsible for scheduling them all at the same time. There may have been a...

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On Valentine's morning, I sent Christopher the following text, "I have diagnosed the dishwasher as potentially having a motor issue. I cleaned the filter and various other things youtube recommended. If that doesn't work we might need to call Jason to fix it." Don't...

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