noteworthies from November
Student of the month “for demonstrating honorable character.”
The L’s celebrated a birthday. They were less than thrilled. It seems they are not party animals.
This year’s 4th grade science fair experiment was about German candle carousels and thermal energy.
Sesame will look out the window for an entire plane ride. The last few flights she chose
to take pictures out the window instead of watching a show or doing any of her several activities.
Houston for Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of card games around that table.
It took months too long, but Fall finally showed up.
I found all three colored leaves in the backyard then took myself leaf-peeping.
it was a multilingual holiday
Someone on Instagram got a chandelier for Valentine's day. Our day was more lowkey and middle class. We did our paper heart attack on the bedroom doors. Some people were less romantic than others but the love was still there. This was the first year Sesame signed her...
I’ll sue when they say potato chips are restricted
I had a very unusual situation at Walmart last week. As usual, they only had two cashiers and half the self-checkout machines were broken. I started scanning away and the broccoli wouldn't scan. I put it aside and finished scanning the rest of the items. I went back...
maybe don’t ask us for medical or religious advice
I had yet another internal ultrasound yesterday because it's what I do on days ending in Y. I've seen the inside of my uterus more times in the last year than I saw some family members. I considered asking for a printed photo to include in my Christmas card this year....
car talk
I have exactly twelve minutes to type this out before I need to do the following: pack AB's swim bag, try on my new bathing suit, switch over the laundry, find my library book, pack snacks and zip out of the driveway for school pickup. I do mean zip because this is my...
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