seeing the springs
Every year I say we need to take a family vacation just the three of us and we never do. This year I put my foot down and said, guys! We’re doing it. It was the shortest, one-night vacation but it was lovely nonetheless. We’ve been wanting to visit Ginnie Springs in Florida for years, and I deemed this the perfect time to go. I told Christopher I would be extremely disappointed if the reality didn’t match the pictures online. I even apologized in advance, as if I was responsible for creating nature.
It did not disappoint. The water in the springs really was as clear as water we’ve seen in the Bahamas.
One thing I thoroughly enjoy when kayaking is turning on Sarah Karaoke and singing whatever songs my boatmates ask for. I loved doing that with the twins when I’d be squished on the bottom of a canoe while they rowed us around a lake. They never appreciated my Celine Dion as much as they should have and turns out neither does my offspring. I refuse to acknowledge that I am the common denominator in these scenarios. Surely it has nothing to do with my singing and everything to do with their lack of sophisticated taste.
“My family told me to stop telling Thanksgiving jokes, but I said I couldn’t quit cold turkey.”
Let's discuss Thanksgiving before Dececmber zooms by and I'm posting a delayed Christmas recap. I've been delivering late recaps since 2009 and honestly, I don't see that changing anytime soon. We had a small Thanksgiving with Christopher's family. We played endless...
the swing set of giants
The family we bought our house from left their little swing set and it's given AB hours of entertainment. She was the right size for it when we moved in but she's growing like a weed and her energetic swinging would rock the entire structure off the ground. Not to...
Currently, the politics edition
Laughing at: election memes. We hit a new high for good memes at the beginning of the pandemic but things hit a slump for a few months there. The election nearly killed my spirits but memes are slowly helping revive me. Thankful: that I can vote. I took AB voting with...
partying in the garden
Of the three people who live in this house, two of us like to party it up and the third is not a party animal. You'll never guess who's who. Christopher's birthday was on Thursday. AB and I had many whispered conversations about gifts and plans and whether or not we...
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