forward to fourth
I do not like the night before school starts. It’s as depressing to me as the night before a birthday. WHY DOES EVERYONE HAVE TO GROW UP. But here we are, already in fourth grade. Tomorrow she’ll be graduating college and Christopher will be moving us girls into our shared dorm.I always get teary at school drop off and I always will. Thankfully she’s still home with me three days a week so I can hug attack her whenever I want. She doesn’t love a good hug attack but oh well. Such is life under my roof!
The requested first day of school snack.
Have my Ms. Frizzle pencil earrings and I already subbed so I could wave at AB during the day? Quite possibly. Who’s to say.
things were good in her ‘hood
I am not a fan of Halloween and have not one Halloween decoration to my name. We tend to stick with general fall-themed decor. Annabelle mentioned off-handily that it would be funny if a friendly ghost was pretending to play our electric keyboard. I used two vacuums,...
here a friend, there a friend
Everyone has been asking about my social life here so I thought it time for an update Absolutely no one has asked but I don't have much else to talk about right now so here we find ourselves. I have but feels like a friend abundance and a friend rut which is a bit...
a few highs and a few lows
We brought Annabelle to her own personal Disney World on Saturday- the electric hand dryers in the Home Depot bathroom. She has never met a hand dryer she doesn't love. Give her two at once and she's in heaven. Yesterday our church service was held outside. We've been...
sweating really adds to the autumnal mood
We sweat our way through the traditional pumpkin patch activities while wearing shorts and swatting away gnats. Such is life when you live in the swamp of south Georgia. It's my third fall here and I'm still shocked when it's 97* in October. That seems like cruel and...
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