Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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Aunt Camp Twenty-Two

We barely squeezed in Aunt Camp at the end of our Massachusetts visit but we got it done. We’re like the USPS. Neither snow nor rain nor a shmandemic or a grandmother in the ICU will keep us from our tradition.

Last year Oliver was but a newborn in a Snoo. This year he was touching dead rabbits out in the yard and he ate a dead worm. Some people these days don’t like to hear this, but I file that under BOYS WILL BE BOYS. We never dealt with such shenanigans when we only had girls at Aunt Camp. Annabelle made it her goal to give him “safety and civilization lessons.”

He doesn’t sit still for long but he does love reading. I read him both Where’s Baby? and Harvard Business Review.

It took the girls a little while to get back into their groove of how to play together, but once they did they had fun. We went to the children’s science museum, I brought crafts and we went out for a girls-only lunch. We went to the farm to visit the goats. Oliver was more interested in checking out who was in the ladies’ bathroom which was not in line with the civilization portion of AB’s classes.

I wanted to make the kids custom shirts but I didn’t order them in time so I had this made into a pin made instead. You need a magnifying glass to see that it has one of their names in each scoop of ice cream.

I don’t know how long they’ll wear matching dresses but we’re going to embrace it for as long as we can.

my first writings as a 30 year old

my first writings as a 30 year old

As of the 28th of May, I am officially old. The big 3-0. Feel send me all manner of walkers, canes, orthopedic shoes and hard candies. I'll be at Walgreens buying a large pillbox for all my medications. Christopher says 30 isn't old, but it's easy to talk that way...

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it was an in-tents trip

it was an in-tents trip

Last week I was applauding myself for 10 years of blogging then I abruptly and unintentionally took 10 days off.  I wish I could say I was taking a blog-funded trip to the beaches of Bora Bora but alas, the monetary gains from this blog are very low. Instead, we were...

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we’ve hit double digits

we’ve hit double digits

Today marks the tenth anniversary of this ol' blog. To commemorate such an auspicious occasion, I set myself no less than 8 phone alarms this week to remind me to write a special post. Alas, here we are, with not a one special post idea in mind. In 10 years, I've...

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little graduate

little graduate

Sesame Pie graduated preschool this week. I don't know how that happened since she started preschool seven minutes ago. Everyone knows I love a good party and any chance to celebrate, but I've always rolled my eyes a little at preschool and kindergarten graduations....

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