Today marks the tenth anniversary of this ol’ blog. To commemorate such an auspicious occasion, I set myself no less than 8 phone alarms this week to remind me to write a special post. Alas, here we are, with not a one special post idea in mind.
In 10 years, I’ve written 1,267 posts and have 92 drafts. My posts took a steep dive south when I had Annabelle. I don’t want to assign blame, but she’s really cramped my blogging style. I looked at the 92 drafts to see what I didn’t publish and I can now say the internet wouldn’t have been improved had I published all those drafts. I often type notes of what to blog about at future dates, yet most of the time I didn’t give myself enough information to remember my brilliant idea when I actually sit down to the computer. I tell myself that at least I had ideas.
The following is a small sample of the gibberish notes I found:
Orange groomsmen
Homeless children
Water plants before it rains
Ebay anniversary
Driving the car
Blog name
I really wish I knew what I meant by “orange groomsmen.” The only one I can speak to is my blog name. The current name has absolutely no special significance. I don’t know why I chose it. I don’t particularly like it and I’d like to change it. I didn’t think I’d stick with blogging for long so it wouldn’t matter what I called it. Here we are 10 years later and I’m researching how to change the name and the URL. I remember Daisy Days being an option but, thank God, someone else already had it and I was saved from that trainwreck of a name.
I also found an unpublished post where I took several BuzzFeed quizzes.
Quiz: What Kind of Mom will You Be?
Result: Stage mom.

This makes me laugh as I was just a stage mom for the first time and I was not good at it.
If the crown fits…
Result: Renaissance Italy.
I couldn’t disagree with this more. I’d like to live in a time period with air conditioning and underwear.
Result: Apple. Apples are classic, classy, and sophisticated. Apples know what’s up. You can’t mess with an apple. You try to mess with an apple and you’ll regret it. Apples just have it together and know what’s up.
This blog has given me some of my favorite people. I have a daily group chat with three girls I became friends with through blogs- Laura, Michelle, and currently blogless Toi. I call them my focus group and ask their input every time Christopher and I disagree on something. We discuss everything from proper tipping amounts to bad neighbors to moral dilemmas. I’m the only one who has met any of the others in person but I’ll keep hoping someday we can all get together to eat chips and dips.
Of course, it gave me a husband. Christopher read my blog while he was deployed and it brought such joy to his life. Not only have I blogged tirelessly for 10 years, but I also improved the morale of the troops. I assume I’ll be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom any day now.

Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy blogaversary (spelling on that??) – I think you should expand all the notes into blog posts. I look forward to reading about orange groomsmen and Iiiooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
I love this!!!! And I can't wait for all of us to eat chips and dip together!
Happy anniversary and to many more years of awkward memories!
I started my blog about 10 years ago too, but I've had a few "refreshes" on it and removed all my old posts.
It's incredible that you're able to keep going!
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