Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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We shall rename Charlotte’s Web to Sarah’s Egg Sac

The latest of AB’s shows, Charlotte’s Web, has been performed. 

She had to wear a bow and pearl necklace which delighted me to no end. She was less than thrilled.
This was the first production where Annabelle had so many lines, and she studied as if she was up for the bar exam. Her script went everywhere with her. 

Normally I am not welcome in the inner sactum that is the drama world. The details of every production must be a surprise. I barely even run lines with her as that’s knowing too much. I love show biz. I have a history of acting and being a stage manager in my youth so it’s not like I don’t want to help. In this situation, I’ve put aside myself and what the actor requests she normally gets. This show, however, I helped build the barn, wove a spider web, and accidently found myself making a spider sac. I asked the director how she planned on making the sac and she said, “Well, I need it to be about this big and you can make it out of anything spherical you think would work.” Ok, then. I’ll whip out my spidey skilz. I’m still haunted by the spiders I saw while googling to get an accurate pictures. I’m pretty proud of how it turned out. I shone like the sun every time it appeared. Unlike Charlotte, I do not know how to be humble when it comes to the egg sac.

AB and A. Ham

I do not jump on bandwagons. I am an anti bandwagoner. This has been detrimental at some points if it's something I would enjoy if it wasn't popular, but feel I cannot participate in because of its popularity. I have not jumped on the following wagons to some level...

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do you sea what I sea

I have finally recovered from the sickness that plagued my life for the last 10 or so days. I'm not sure if it was the Black Death or allergies, but the cocktail of over-the-counter drugs I took did nothing to stop the symptoms. Sickness cometh after boasting that you...

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little bits of January

little bits of January

Me in December: Things will calm down after Christmas! Me in January: We need to coordinate our calendars better. We have too much going on. No free weekends! Who is agreeing to all this? Last weekend we had a bed build with Sleep In Heavenly Peace, the organization...

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