Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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favorite father

Some of Christopher’s great joys in life are researching and learning new information. Leaning into these love languages, AB and I researched facts about Father’s Day and sat him down for a mult-part presentation. Annabelle chose to present from inside a large cardboard box which I hear is where Abraham Lincoln presented all his most stirring speeches.

Sesame also rewrote the words to “Reindeers are Better than People” from Frozen.

“Dad is better than reindeer,
Mom, don’t you think that’s right?
‘Cause reindeer don’t love us and hug us and snug us,
Even though he’s chilly toes*!”

*Christopher likes the thermostat on unacceptable arctic levels so we call him Chilly Toes


It’s very clear that Christopher is the number one guy in our house.

Linus was not pleased to he didn’t make the final cut as the favorite guy in our house. He demands we recount the votes.

birthday month begins

birthday month begins

A few weeks ago, we gave Annabelle the option of having a birthday party or taking a special birthday trip. I thought for sure she'd pick the party. She talks about her party for months leading up to the big day but I underestimated her love of hotels. I know she...

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stream of consciousness

stream of consciousness

I’m coming to you live from the parking lot of Sesame’s dance studio. I’ve been meaning to blog all week, but I’m too tired at the end of the day to do more than sit on the couch and read BBC articles about the projected economic structure of Indonesia. Kidding! I go...

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Currently- the february edition

Currently- the february edition

Rooting for: Chance the Rapper. I'll be the first to raise my hand and say this is very uncharacteristic of me. I don't like rap and wouldn't recognize him if we were stuck on an elevator together. However, a few months ago I heard that he was taking a sabbatical to...

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daddy daughter dance

daddy daughter dance

Ever since the Daddy Daughter Dance last year, Annabelle has been talking about when she could go to another one. That day finally happened on Saturday. I've been stuffing Annabelle into her 4T dresses so we could get the most use out of them, but none of them were...

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