Wife, mother, laugh-er at very inopportune moments, and matchmaker. I am an excessive user of commas and exclamation marks. I once won March Madness despite knowing nothing about basketball, and I know how to find all the best Dunkin Donuts coupons. Clearly my talents are just endless.

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writing this list made my blood pressure rise

Today is our 11th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion, I decided to write a love letter detailing what I love about Christopher.

Just kidding!

Here’s a list of 11 things we disagree on.

1. Will Smith vs Chris Rock
2. Mushrooms
3. If stop signs in parking lots should be respected as much as stop signs on the road.
4. Whether or not football and soccer are chaotic and unproductive sports.
5. If we should leave for church at 9:35 or 9:40.
6. The importance of drinking more than three cups of water a week.
7. When taking a flight, should one wait until boarding begins to waltz down to Houston News and buy a coke or get it several minutes in advance to ensure you don’t miss the plane.
8. The best way to thaw meat
9. Having headphones in around others
10. The level of kitchen cleanliness at the end of the night.
11. Does the garage door need to be shut every single time we walk through it.

This was one of our toughest years (for the third year in a row so please God, make this year better) but we made it through. Our little family doesn’t look like what we thought it would but it’s ours and it’s my favorite.

they called it tornado Christopher

they called it tornado Christopher

Someone is currently banging on our house. Annabelle told me there was a knock at the door but when I checked, no one was there. It's either someone here to fix the siding loosened in the hurricane two months ago (because our landlords are not on top of things) or...

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Sesame on the High Seas

Sesame on the High Seas

I have traveled many miles and crisscrossed many timezones since I last posted. We went on a week-long Disney cruise to the Bahamas with Christopher's family. It would take 46 posts to recap the trip in the longwinded way I often do, so I'm going to post a few...

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old friends are the best friends

old friends are the best friends

A little piece of home flew in to visit us last week.  My sweet friend Autumn arrived with her lavender hair and avocado print shirts. I never know where to bring guests when they visit. Sometimes I wonder if I just don't know the good spots, but turns out...

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