Happy Friday! I spent an embarrassing amount of time untangling my headphones and trying to find the right earpiece only to remember it was in my ear the whole time. I blame the paint fumes.
It may be the months of pandemic speaking, but we’re redoing our kitchen. The world is full of germs, riots, and chaos right now so why not add a project that has the potential to last several weeks and bring added stress? We don’t have anywhere to be and we aren’t participating in protests so carpe diem and all that. I have several months where we’re at a standstill with fertility treatments which means months guaranteed to be free of nausea, so I had no real reason to not start. We started with the cabinets.

It’s the middle part of projects that I don’t like. I hate the clutter of everything being out of place, the cats sneaking down the stairs after AB accidentally opened the upstairs door and the floor getting so messy. I HATE a messy kitchen floor. As long as the floor is clean I feel like I have some small part of my life in order. The painting supplies are bleeding over into the dining room.

My entire life I heard how cabinets are so hard to paint because of sanding and stripping and wanting to give up partway through, but I could only take the brown cabinets with the brown floor for so long. I found a cabinet refinishing kit at our coronavirus home away from home, Home Depot, and it had good reviews so we decided to try it. We’re 54 6 days in and so far so good.

Several times I said, ”This better work because if not we’ll be stuck with them” but now that we’ve seen the improvement, I’m so happy with how it looks. It’s so much brighter and more cheerful.

What a difference – I can't wait to see what paint color you choose! (And way to sneak in a fertility comment. Praying for peace throughout that process.)
I want my kitchen done so badly … but I know I jsut need to move out until its done or I'll have a nervous breakdown
Heyyy that looks really good! Can't wait to see the final product